
Spatial variation in selection on corolla shape in a generalist plant is promoted by the preference patterns of its local pollinators



Gomez JM, Bosch J, Perfectti F, Fernandez JD, Abdelaziz Mohamed M & Camacho JPM (2008) Spatial variation in selection on corolla shape in a generalist plant is promoted by the preference patterns of its local pollinators. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1648), pp. 2241-2249.

An adaptive role of corolla shape has been often asserted without an empirical demonstration of how natural selection acts on this trait. In generalist plants, in which flowers are visited by diverse pollinator fauna that commonly vary spatially, detecting pollinator-mediated selection on corolla shape is even more difficult. In this study, we explore the mechanisms promoting selection on corolla shape in the generalist crucifer Erysimum mediohispanicum Polatschek (Brassicaceae). We found that the main pollinators of E. mediohispanicum (large bees, small bees and bee flies) discriminate between different corolla shapes when offered artificial flowers without reward. Importantly, different pollinators prefer different shapes: bees prefer flowers with narrow petals, whereas bee flies prefer flowers with rounded overlapping petals.We also found that flowers with narrow petals (those preferred by bees) produce both more pollen and nectar than those with rounded petals. Finally, different plant populations were visited by different faunas. As a result, we found spatial variation in the selection acting on corolla shape. Selection favoured flowers with narrow petals in the populations where large or small bees are the most abundant pollinator groups. Our study suggests that pollinators, by preferring flowers with high reward, exert strong selection on the E. mediohispanicum corolla shape. The geographical variation in the pollinator-mediated selection on E. mediohispanicum corolla shape suggests that phenotypic evolution and diversification can occur in this complex floral trait even without specialization.

corolla shape evolution; pollinator preference; spatial variation; geometric morphometrics; nectar; pollen

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences: Volume 275, Issue 1648

Publication date31/10/2008
Date accepted by journal20/05/2008
PublisherThe Royal Society