
The geology of the northern Sulitjelma area and its relationship to the Sulitjelma Ophiolite



Billett M (1987) The geology of the northern Sulitjelma area and its relationship to the Sulitjelma Ophiolite. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 67 (2), pp. 71-83.

The geology of the area to the N of Sulitjelma is dominated by the Skaiti Supergroup, which occurs at the top of the Upper Alochthon beneath overthrust rocks of the Uppermost Allochthon. The regional geology comprises a locally inverted, stratified ophiolite, the Sulitjelma Ophiolite, which partly intrudes the overlying rocks of the Skaiti Supergroup. These older higher grade rocks consist of a continuous 1 km thick sequence of gneisses, quartzites, semipelites, graphitic and calcareous schists, which are associated with several levels of metaigneous rocks. Evidence is presented to show that the older metasediments and metabasites of the Supergroup retain the signature of an earlier orogenic event of possible Finnmarkian age or older. The Skaiti Supergroup therefore represents a fragment of pre-Scandian continental crust through which the ophiolitic rocks were originally intruded and onto which they were locally erupted.-from Author

Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift: Volume 67, Issue 2

Publication date31/12/1987
PublisherScandinavian University Press