Research Report

Comparing models of smoking treatment in Glasgow: final report



Bauld L, Briggs A, Boyd K, Chesterman J, Ferguson J & Judge K (2009) Comparing models of smoking treatment in Glasgow: final report. Glasgow Centre for Population Health; NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde; NHS Health Scotland. UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies.

This study examined the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the two main types of NHS support for smokers who want to quit in Glasgow. At the time of the research these models of treatment (now integrated as NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde ‘Smokefree Services') were: - Starting Fresh, pharmacy-based one to one behavioural support with NRT for 12 weeks. Available in over 200 pharmacies across Glasgow, treating over 12,000 smokers per year. - Smoking Concerns, community-based intensive group behavioural support available for 7 weeks, combined with NRT (collected from a Starting Fresh pharmacy) or bupropion or varenicline on GP prescription. Clients could continue receiving NRT and support from a pharmacists between weeks 8-12. At the time of the study, these groups treated around 1,700 smokers per year. The study objectives were to determine: - Who was accessing each model of service - How successful each service was in helping smokers to quit at 4 and 52 weeks - Which factors affected cessation outcomes - What the relationship was between costs and outcomes for each model of service An interim report from the study was published in March 2008. This outlined 4 week outcomes. Key results from this report are summarised here but are not repeated in the main body of the final report. For readers interested in examining the four week results in more detail, these are available on the GCPH website (Bauld et al, 2008).

Publication date28/02/2009
PublisherUK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
Publisher URL…gow_final_report