Research Report

Rethinking Imprisonment in Scotland: The Dilemma for Prison reform and the Challenges Beyond - Submission to the Scottish Prison Commission



Spencer A (2007) Rethinking Imprisonment in Scotland: The Dilemma for Prison reform and the Challenges Beyond - Submission to the Scottish Prison Commission. Scottish Government. Edinburgh: Scottish Prison Commission.

I welcome the establishing of a Prisons Commission to consider how imprisonment is currently used in Scotland and how this fits with the Government's wider strategic objectives. It is also entirely right it should raise the profile of this issue to enable a more informed debate. I hope that the submission which follows will add value to your work and might provide some additional insights. I was privileged to have worked in the Scottish Prison System for a long time. I am now able to reflect with a degree of detachment.

Publication date30/11/2007
Publication date online10/03/2008
PublisherScottish Prison Commission
Publisher URL/…sions/rethinking
Place of publicationEdinburgh