Research Report

Balancing Risk and Need: Review of the decision to send Brian Martin to open conditions in the light of his subsequent absconding from the Open Estate on 18 May 2009 and issues highlighted as a consequence



Spencer A (2009) Balancing Risk and Need: Review of the decision to send Brian Martin to open conditions in the light of his subsequent absconding from the Open Estate on 18 May 2009 and issues highlighted as a consequence. Scottish Government. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

First paragraph: The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) imprisons proportionately more people than nearly all other western European countries. At the beginning of June 2009 it held approximately 8,500: about 8,125 in prison and a further 375 on Home Detention Curfew (HDC). SPS and its staff have a good record when it comes to security.

Publication date22/06/2009
Publication date online25/06/2009
PublisherScottish Government
Place of publicationEdinburgh
ISBN978 0 7559 9047 4