Book Chapter

Assistive Technology for Cognition: An Updated Review



Best C, O'Neill B & Gillespie A (2014) Assistive Technology for Cognition: An Updated Review. In: Naik G & Guo Y (eds.) Emerging Theory and Practice in Neuroprosthetics. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, pp. 215-236.

Assistive Technology for Cognition (ATC) is the use of technology to extend human mental capacity. The present chapter reviews the use of assistive technology in health and social care for people with cognitive impairment. This review updates the authors' previous reviews (Best, O'Neill, & Gillespie, 2013; Gillespie, Best, & O'Neill, 2012) on this topic and reflects on how their conceptualization of ATC in terms of function (reminding, alerting, micro prompting, distracting, storing and displaying, navigating, and biofeedback), as opposed to the type of technology (mobile phone, desk-top computer, etc.), fits with recent developments in this field. The authors highlight the growing number of context-aware prompting devices and the move to train people with cognitive impairment to use everyday technology such as mobile phones. They also make a distinction between ATC, which augments or supplants cognitive functions, and outline avenues for future research.

Publication date31/12/2014
PublisherIGI Global
Publisher URL…cognition/109891
Place of publicationHershey, Pennsylvania, USA