
Living in hospital and hostel: The pattern of interactions of people with learning difficulties



Markova I, Jahoda A, Cattermole M & Woodward D (1992) Living in hospital and hostel: The pattern of interactions of people with learning difficulties. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 36 (2), pp. 115-127.

This study compared interactions between the staff and residenis living in hospital wards and in comm unity-based hosicls. Twenty-four people with moderate to severe learning difficulties participated in this study. Interactions were Latcgorized according to who was thcinitiaior and recipient, their purpose, altitude of the recipient, duration, and place. Il was found that the hospital and hotel residents had virtually no interactions with jjeople outwith the cstablishmenl in which they lived. The hostel appeared to offer the residenis a sociable cnvironmeni with mttre interpersonal interactions and more positive attitudes towards ihe interactanis than ihe hospital. Interactions in both kinds of setting were very shorl, ihus giving residenis litile chance to develop communicative skills. It is suggested ihat a more personal approach, stich as joint activities between residents and staff, and living in small groups in ordinary housing, should be the first priorities in the effort to improve the pattern of social interactions of people with moderate to severe learning difticulties

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: Volume 36, Issue 2

Publication date30/04/1992
Publication date online28/06/2008
Date accepted by journal30/08/1991

People (1)

Professor Ivana Markova

Professor Ivana Markova

Emeritus Professor, Psychology

Files (1)