
Steel industry 'needs state help'



Masrani S (2016) Steel industry 'needs state help'. [Radio Interview] 01.06.2016. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-36399707

Following Greybull's investment in Scunthorpe, Swapnesh Masrani of the University of Stirling says there could be a future for Port Talbot, if it makes specialist steel, is the right size, and the government imposes some form of tariff to stop steel being dumped. "Size is the key... if they [firms] are of the right size, then they can manage their costs. The other thing... there is some point, at times like these when steel is being dumped, that you do need state help. Without state help, I don't think any company can survive."

Type of mediaRadio Interview
Publication date01/06/2016
Publisher URLhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-36399707
Place of publicationRadio 5 Live