Policy Document

Financial incentives to support smoking cessation in pregnant women - size matters (Policy Brief)



Farrar S, Yi D, Morgan H, Ludbrook A & Hoddinott P (2016) Financial incentives to support smoking cessation in pregnant women - size matters (Policy Brief). Scottish Government - Chief Scientist Office. Health Economics Research Unit (HERU), University of Aberdeen. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/heru/documents/Policy_Briefs/HERU_PB_May_2016_smokingcessationinpregnantwomen.pdf

Key Findings  • Women perceive that incentives to quit smoking while pregnant will increase their likelihood to quit if the value is greater than £20 per month.  • Perceived effectiveness of the quitting service increased as the value of the incentive increased but at a declining rate.  • Daily text messages or phone calls from a professional and involving a friend or relative in the intervention are also likely to contribute to effectiveness.  • These results can be used to inform the development and refinement of future trials of incentives to help women quit smoking during pregnancy.

Publication date31/05/2016
PublisherHealth Economics Research Unit (HERU), University of Aberdeen
Publisher URLhttp://www.abdn.ac.uk/…regnantwomen.pdf