Book Chapter

The state of biodiversity in Europe's forest systems



Marchetti M, Bastrup-Birk A, Parviainen J, Santopuoli G, Vizzarri M, Jump A & Sotirov M (2017) The state of biodiversity in Europe's forest systems. In: Sotirov M (ed.) Natura 2000 and Forests: Assessing the State of Implementation and Effectiveness. What Science Can Tell Us, 7. Joensuu, Finland: European Forest Institute, pp. 17-38.

First paragraph: Decision-makers in forest policy and practice in Europe have recently faced contradicting information about the state of biodiversity in Europe’s forests. The reason is that the two most relevant monitoring processes have provided different assessments and contradictory findings on the overall state of forest biodiversity in Europe. These processes include the State of Europe’s Forests report under FOREST EUROPE (formerly, Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe – MCPFE) and the report State of Nature in the European Union, which considers Natura 2000 monitoring according to the EU’s Habitats Directive (Article 17) and the EU’s Birds Directive (Article 12).

Title of seriesWhat Science Can Tell Us
Number in series7
Publication date31/12/2017
PublisherEuropean Forest Institute
Publisher URL…/wsctu7_2017.pdf
Place of publicationJoensuu, Finland