Edited Book

Beyond the Game



(2024) Beyond the Game. Stirling: University of Stirling.

A collection of creative writing by current and former athletes on retirement, edited by Phil Crockett Thomas. Developed as part of Crafting the Future: Exploring the Power of Creative Writing in Pre-retirement Preparation for Athletes, a research project led by Phil Crockett Thomas and Hee Jung Hong, supported by a Stirling Crucible New Collaboration Grant from the University of Stirling (2023-24).

creative writing; sociological fiction; sports; careers; future; retirement

Publication date20/08/2024
Publication date online20/08/2024
PublisherUniversity of Stirling
Place of publicationStirling

People (2)

Dr Phil Crockett Thomas

Dr Phil Crockett Thomas

Lecturer in Criminology, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Dr Hee Jung Hong

Dr Hee Jung Hong

Senior Lecturer, Sport