
The EASL–Lancet Liver Commission: protecting the next generation of Europeans against liver disease complications and premature mortality



Karlsen TH, Sheron N, Zelber-Sagi S, Carrieri P, Dusheiko G, Bugianesi E, Pryke R, Hutchinson SJ, Sangro B, Martin NK, Cecchini M, Dirac MA, Belloni A, Serra-Burriel M, Ponsioen CY, Sheena B, Lerouge A, Devaux M, Scott N, Hellard M, Verkade HJ, Sturm E, Marchesini G, Yki-Järvinen H, Byrne CD, Targher G, Tur-Sinai A, Barrett D, Ninburg M, Reic T, Taylor A, Rhodes T, Treloar C, Petersen C, Schramm C, Flisiak R, Simonova MY, Pares A, Johnson P, Cucchetti A, Graupera I, Lionis C, Pose E, Fabrellas N, Ma AT, Mendive JM, Mazzaferro V, Rutter H, Cortez-Pinto H, Kelly D, Burton R, Lazarus JV, Ginès P, Buti M, Newsome PN, Burra P & Manns MP (2022) The EASL–Lancet Liver Commission: protecting the next generation of Europeans against liver disease complications and premature mortality. The Lancet, 399 (10319), pp. 61-116.

The Lancet: Volume 399, Issue 10319

FundersDepartment of Health
Publication date31/01/2022
Date accepted by journal02/12/2021
PublisherElsevier BV

People (1)


Dr Robyn Burton

Dr Robyn Burton

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing