
Parsing the Mechanisms Underlying Ingroup Facial Resemblance



Bjornsdottir RT, Hehman E, Agboh D & Rule NO (2022) Parsing the Mechanisms Underlying Ingroup Facial Resemblance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48 (5), pp. 782-792.

People prefer to form relationships with people like themselves—a tendency that extends even to facial appearance, resulting in groups whose members look alike. Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying homophilic resemblance using facial photos of fraternity/sorority members from two time points: before joining the group and after belonging to the group for three years. Analyses of both subjective trait impressions and objective face-shape measurements revealed that not only did group members look alike, they resembled one another even before joining the group. Moreover, photos of potential fraternity recruits revealed that facial appearance predicted both the group that individuals sought to join and the group’s likelihood of accepting them. Individuals, therefore, seek to join groups consisting of people who look like them, and the groups preferentially accept new members who resemble those already in the group. This bidirectional preference for homophily likely perpetuates intragroup homogeneity, suggesting potential implications beyond appearance.

homophily; group formation; face perception; self-selection; resemblance;

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin: Volume 48, Issue 5

FundersSocial Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Publication date31/05/2022
Publication date online10/07/2021
Date accepted by journal24/05/2021
PublisherSAGE Publications

People (1)

Dr Thora Bjornsdottir

Dr Thora Bjornsdottir

Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology

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