Policy Document

EAA Statement on Nurturing the Cycle of Good Archaeological Practice



Foster S, Lewis C, Mina M & Taloni M (2022) EAA Statement on Nurturing the Cycle of Good Archaeological Practice. European Association of Archaeologists. Prague, Czechia. https://www.e-a-a.org/2022Statement

First paragraph: At its 2022 Annual Meeting in Budapest, the EAA is launching its updated Code and Principles as well as four new Advisory Committees: Scientific; Heritage; Public Benefits; and Education, Training and Professional Development. In joining our EAA community, Individual and Corporate Members, who work in extremely diverse and interdisciplinary ways across many national contexts, agree to adhere to our Codes. Our Code and Principles seek to inspire and nurture good practice while promoting the greater integration of archaeological practice with society and its needs. The expansion of the former Code (1997, revised 2009) is therefore a barometer of topical challenges, opportunities and wider social developments that affect archaeologists across many sectors, and clearly demonstrates the Association’s readiness to react accordingly. These sectors include higher education and research, heritage management, museums and archives, and commercial contract archaeology.

Prepared as part of small task force; officially approved and adopted at Annual Membership Business Meeting of EAA in Budapest, September 2022

Publication date16/09/2022
Publisher URLhttps://www.e-a-a.org/2022Statement
Place of publicationPrague, Czechia