
Internet Intermediary Liability And Copyright Infringement: Shaping An Alternative EU Framework?



Krokida Z (2022) Internet Intermediary Liability And Copyright Infringement: Shaping An Alternative EU Framework?. [Blog] Wolters Kluwer.

First Paragraph: The thorny issue of internet intermediary liability seems to continue preoccupying EU policymakers. While internet intermediaries act as gatekeepers of content that is transmitted online, their services seem to attract a high number of copyright infringements. Effective and prompt solutions to combat online piracy are more than urgent. This blogpost provides a critical reflection on the current legal framework that revolves around internet intermediary liability and suggests an alternative framework that aims to maintain to a greater extent an equilibrium amongst the rights of the parties involved, namely internet intermediaries, right holders and internet users.


Type of mediaBlog
Publication date12/09/2022
Publication date online12/09/2022
PublisherWolters Kluwer