
Creating testable questions in practical conservation: a process and 100 questions



Sutherland WJ, Robinson JM, Aldridge DC, Alamenciak T, Armes M, Baranduin N, Bladon AJ, Breed MF, Dyas N, Elphick CS, Griffiths RA, Hughes J, Middleton B, Littlewood NA & Watts SH (2022) Creating testable questions in practical conservation: a process and 100 questions. Conservation Evidence Journal, 19, pp. 1-7. https://conservationevidencejournal.com/reference/pdf/11619

It is now clear that the routine embedding of experiments into conservation practice is essential for creating reasonably comprehensive evidence of the effectiveness of actions. However, an important barrier is the stage of identifying testable questions that are both useful but also realistic to carry out without a major research project. We identified approaches for generating such suitable questions. A team of 24 participants crowdsourced suggestions, resulting in a list of a hundred possible tests of actions.

Additional co-authors: Roger Mitchell, William H. Morgan, Roy Mosley, Silviu O. Petrovan, Kit Prendergast, Euan G. Ritchie, Hugh Raven, Rebecca K. Smith & Ann Thornton

Conservation Evidence Journal: Volume 19

Publication date31/12/2022
Date accepted by journal10/02/2022
Publisher URLhttps://conservationevidencejournal.com/reference/pdf/11619
ISSN 1758-2067