
Supporting Separated Migrant Children to Thrive During Covid-19 Briefing Paper 1 – The Beginnings



Rigby P, Copland F, Fotopoulou M, Goodwin K & Grant M (2021) Supporting Separated Migrant Children to Thrive During Covid-19 Briefing Paper 1 – The Beginnings. ESRC. Separated in Scotland. https://separatedinscotland.co.uk/artifacts/

First paragraph: This briefing paper is the latest in a research programme of events, workshops, seminars and reports that have, since 2017, examined the experiences of separated and unaccompanied asylum seeking children in Scotland (called here separated children), and professional responses. This series of events has responded to the lived experiences of both vulnerable children and young people and the professionals who work with them. The paper reports on initial findings from an ESRC funded project: Supporting separated migrant children to thrive during Covid-19.

FundersESRC Economic and Social Research Council
Publication date03/10/2021
Publisher URLhttps://separatedinscotland.co.uk/artifacts/
Place of publicationSeparated in Scotland
