Conference Paper (published)

What enables Scottish mathematics teachers to embed global citizenship themes in their classrooms?



Angier C (2021) What enables Scottish mathematics teachers to embed global citizenship themes in their classrooms?. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. BSRLM Proceedings, 41 (1) BSRLM Day Conference, Virtual, 06.03.2021-06.03.2021. BSRLM.

This paper reports on the engagement of a small number of Scottish secondary mathematics teachers, with an online subject specific professional learning module, offered by a Development Education Centre. The responses suggest the teachers had to reconcile their activity with the hegemonic priorities of teaching the standard curriculum and of preparing learners to be tested. The teachers drew on limited professional and pedagogic courage and further work is needed to identify how these resources might be developed and activated. These early findings from the project point to implications for initial and continuing teacher education if Scotland is to achieve its aspirations for 'Learning for Sustainability.'

global citizenship; pedagogic courage; professional courage; learning for sustainability

Title of seriesBSRLM Proceedings
Number in series41 (1)
Publication date31/03/2021
Publisher URL…nference/ip41-1/
ConferenceBSRLM Day Conference
Conference locationVirtual