
The changing marketing orientation within the business model of an international retailer - IKEA in China over 10 years



Burt S, Dawson J, Johansson U & Hultman J (2021) The changing marketing orientation within the business model of an international retailer - IKEA in China over 10 years. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 31 (2), pp. 229-255.

The paper reports an interview-based study that considers market driving and market-driven activities within the disaggregated components of the business model. The empirical study is of IKEA in China over a 10 year period. Market orientation is considered as a position on a continuum rather than as binary positions. The components of the business model are developed from the Osterwalder and Pigneur structure. Over the study period, the balance between driven and driving orientations within components of the business model changed in multiple ways. This article’s contribution is the illustration of disaggregating the market orientations of driven or driving activities and associating these with the particular components of the business model and so studying what happens to the driven-driving balance over time. The approach has wider applicability for attempts to understand the dynamics of international retailing.

IKEA; China; business model; market orientation; international retail

International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research: Volume 31, Issue 2

Publication date31/12/2021
Publication date online22/12/2020
Date accepted by journal25/11/2020
PublisherInforma UK Limited

People (2)


Professor Steve Burt

Professor Steve Burt

Professor, Marketing & Retail

Professor John Dawson

Professor John Dawson

Emeritus Professor, Marketing & Retail