
Specialization in the vicarious learning of novel arbitrary sequences in humans but not orangutans



Renner E, Patterson EM & Subiaul F (2020) Specialization in the vicarious learning of novel arbitrary sequences in humans but not orangutans. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 375 (1805), p. 20190442.

Sequence learning underlies many uniquely human behaviours, from complex tool use to language and ritual. To understand whether this fundamental cognitive feature is uniquely derived in humans requires a comparative approach. We propose that the vicarious (but not individual) learning of novel arbitrary sequences represents a human cognitive specialization. To test this hypothesis, we compared the abilities of human children aged 3–5 years and orangutans to learn different types of arbitrary sequences (item-based and spatial-based). Sequences could be learned individually (by trial and error) or vicariously from a human (social) demonstrator or a computer (ghost control). We found that both children and orangutans recalled both types of sequence following trial-and-error learning; older children also learned both types of sequence following social and ghost demonstrations. Orangutans' success individually learning arbitrary sequences shows that their failure to do so in some vicarious learning conditions is not owing to general representational problems. These results provide new insights into some of the most persistent discontinuities observed between humans and other great apes in terms of complex tool use, language and ritual, all of which involve the cultural learning of novel arbitrary sequences.

ghost control; children; apes; sequence learning; social learning; ritual

Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences: Volume 375, Issue 1805

FundersThe Leakey Foundation and European Commission (Horizon 2020)
Publication date30/06/2020
Publication date online29/06/2020
Date accepted by journal30/03/2020

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