Book Chapter

A Scottish perspective: a journey of culture, communities and politics



Conlon M (2020) A Scottish perspective: a journey of culture, communities and politics. In: Brooker C & White E (eds.) Mental Health Nursing: from the outside, looking in. Cheshire: White Winstanley, pp. 121-124.

First paragraph: A career of some thirty years in mental health nursing practice and education, leads one to wonder have there been advances since Barker [1990] and Gournay [2001], amongst others, were discussing the role and identity of mental health nurses and the ideological tussle between the art and the science of mental health nursing. As a student nurse of the late 80’s brought up on a diet of Maudsley encounter groups, punctuated with clinical practice in nurse led teams, the tussle made sense. And still does.

Publication date31/12/2020
Publication date online29/02/2020
PublisherWhite Winstanley
Publisher URL
Place of publicationCheshire