
Nutrient recapture from insect farm waste: Bioconversion with hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae)



Jucker C, Lupi D, Moore CD, Leonardi MG & Savoldelli S (2020) Nutrient recapture from insect farm waste: Bioconversion with hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Sustainability, 12 (1), Art. No.: 362.

Hermetia illucens is an ecient bioconverter able to grow on various dierent organic materials, producing larvae, which are a good source of protein and fat with applications in the animal feed and biochemical industries. This fly's capacity to reduce huge amounts of waste presents an interesting opportunity to establish a circular food economy. In this study, we assessed the suitability of using organic wastes from cricket and locust farming to rear H. illucens. Larvae developed until adult emergence on all the wastes, with a mean survival of over 94%. Cricket waste allowed faster development of heavier larvae than locust waste. Substrate reduction was particularly interesting on cricket waste ( < 72%), while locust waste was only reduced by 33%. The nutritional composition of the larvae reflected that of the growing substrates with a high protein and fat content. These results demonstrate the potential of using H. illucens to reduce and valorise waste generated when farming various insects through the production of a larval biomass for use as a protein meal in animal feeds or industrial applications.

black soldier fly; waste reduction; larval performance; insect farming

Sustainability: Volume 12, Issue 1

FundersUK Research and Innovation
Publication date31/01/2020
Publication date online02/01/2020
Date accepted by journal30/12/2019

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