Research Report

Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report (II)



Robertson J, Gibson G & Pemble C (2018) Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report (II). Paths for All.

The evaluation project explored the final year of the dementia friendly walking project. There are approximately 100 walking for health projects across Scotland, with 500 walks taking place per week. Currently 22 of these projects are either working towards or have been accredited as being dementia friendly. Paths for All invited researchers from the University of Stirling to conduct the evaluation as a follow-on from a report earlier in 2017 that explored the views of people with dementia and carers regarding their experiences of attending dementia friendly walks. The purpose is to investigate the provision, opportunities and barriers to the effective delivery of the dementia friendly walking group programme from the perspective of Health Walk Coordinators. The project also explored Health Walk Coordinators’ opinions about current resources provided to raise awareness of dementia, and whether there is sufficient communication, training and support available to assist them in delivering and sustaining dementia friendly walks in their localities. The goals of the evaluation were: - To explore what Health Walk Coordinators perceive as the main outcomes and impact of dementia-friendly walks. - To identify perceived opportunities and barriers to delivering dementia friendly walks effectively. - To explore levels of satisfaction with current support provided to Health Walk Coordinators, and how this might be improved. - To identify what communication and networking opportunities are available for Health Walk Coordinators and how these might be improved. - To ascertain how groups can increase healthy-living awareness and dementia awareness through dementia friendly walks. - To explore how Health Walk Coordinators understand dementia-friendly language/design and use related resources to support them. The evaluation project took place from October 2017 to March 2018. Fieldwork was conducted during December 2017.

FundersPaths for All
Publication date31/03/2018
Publisher URL…g-project-report