Manual / Guide

The Extended Mind / Walk, Hands, Eyes (Edinburgh) Exhibition Guide



Clegg J, Anderson M & Wheeler M (2019) The Extended Mind / Walk, Hands, Eyes (Edinburgh) Exhibition Guide. The Extended Mind / Walk, Hands, Eyes (Edinburgh) Exhibition Guide. Edinburgh: Talbot Rice Gallery, p. 48.

First paragraph: The Extended Mind is based on the idea that our bodies, objects, language, institutions, other people and environments, expand our capacity to think, feel and orient ourselves in the world. This idea, that cognition is not simply something that takes place in the brain, is often called distributed cognition. A curatorial and academic endeavour, the exhibition grows from a collaboration between Talbot Rice Gallery and a research project called The History of Distributed Cognition.

FundersAHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
Publication date01/11/2019
Publication date online08/11/2019
PublisherTalbot Rice Gallery
Place of publicationEdinburgh