
Perceptions of realism in digital scenarios: A mixed methods descriptive study



Margaret C & Gwenne M (2020) Perceptions of realism in digital scenarios: A mixed methods descriptive study. Nurse Education in Practice, 46, Art. No.: 102794.

Enquiry-based learning is a well-recognised tool in nurse education internationally. It is a pedagogical activity formed around the construction of a ‘scene’ that provides a platform for critical enquiry. A growing range of technologies are now used to simulate real-world enquiry. However, the characteristic of authenticity is essential for effective learning. The aim was to explore the quality and presence of authenticity in scenarios presented through digital media. A co-productive active learning approach explores perceptions of authenticity using an authenticity scale. Stakeholder facilitated workshop discussions explored perceptions of the educational scenarios. Participants included mental health nursing students, people with lived experience and family carers. A mixed-methods descriptive study using the adapted authenticity scale to rate four exemplar scenarios along with thematic analysis of workshop discussions. We found digital audio compared less well to visual media in authenticity scales. Still photobook style images were also perceived as less authentic than dramatic film employing professional actors. Digital media must be selected carefully not just in relation to the education needs of the student but in relation to their social, cultural norms and digital skills. Creating digital scenarios co-productively could contribute to a teaching resource that holds authenticity and real-world relevance.

Enquiry Based Learning; Mental Health Nurse Education; Authenticity; Co-production; Scenario

Nurse Education in Practice: Volume 46

Publication date31/07/2020
Publication date online20/06/2020
Date accepted by journal26/04/2020