
Sunglint correction in airborne hyperspectral images over inland waters



Streher AS, Barbosa CCF, Galvão LS, Goodman JA, Novo EMLM & Silva TSF (2015) Sunglint correction in airborne hyperspectral images over inland waters. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 66 (7), pp. 1437-1449.

This study assessed sunglint effects in airborne high spatial and high spectral resolution images acquired by the SpecTIR sensor under different view-illumination geometries over the Brazilian Ibitinga reservoir (Case II waters). These effects were corrected using the Goodman et al. (2008) and the Kutser et al. (2009) methods, and a variant that used the continuum removal technique to calculate the oxygen absorption band depth. The performance of each method to removing sunglint effects was evaluated by a quantitative analysis of pre- and post-sunglint correction reflectance values (residual reflectance images). Furthermore, the analysis was supported by inspection of the reflectance differences along transects placed over homogeneous masses of waters or over specific portions of the scenes affected and non-affected by sunglint. Results showed that the algorithm of Goodman et al. (2008) produced better results than the other two methods, as it approached to zero the amplitude of the reflectance values between homogenous water masses free and contaminated by sunglint. The Kutser et al. (2009) method had also good performance, except for the most contaminated sunglint portions of the scenes. When the continuum removal technique was incorporated to the Kutser et al. (2009) method, results varied with the scene and were more sensitive to atmospheric correction artifacts and instrumental signal-to-noise ratio.

al; et; hyperspectral remote sensing; s; spectir sensor; specular re fl ection; streher a; water optically active substances

Revista Brasileira de Cartografia: Volume 66, Issue 7

Publication date05/05/2015
Publication date online05/05/2015
Date accepted by journal19/06/2014
Publisher URL…ticle/view/44738