Dr Sarah Galloway


Education University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Sarah Galloway

Contact details

About me

Sarah lectures on the Teaching Qualification in Further Education (TQFE) programme and was previously the Director of the Access to Degree Studies in Higher Education programme.

Sarah became involved in adult education as a volunteer literacies tutor at Stirling Council Adult Learning Team, gaining paid work initially with the Workers Educational Association. She has worked as Literacies Development Worker at Stirling Council and Offender Learning Lecturer with New College Lanarkshire. She also worked on the development and teaching of the Community Education BA programme at the University of the West of Scotland.

Sarah was researcher on the European Commission funded REAL Project at Stirling University, co-developing professional learning resources for adult educators across Europe.

Sarah was a member of the National Strategic Forum on Adult Learning Working Group - Professional Development (2016-2019), which took forward the priorities set out in the Scottish Government's vision for adult learning -  Adult Learning in Scotland - Statement of Ambition (2014).

Her published research to date includes critiquing the theorising of adult education addressing issues of inequality and empowerment, with a focus on adult literacies learning and the education of prisoners. She is an associate of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.

Sarah serves on the editorial board of the journal Studies in the Education of Adults and on the advisory editorial board of the International Journal of Lifelong Education.

She is a member of the Raymond Williams Foundation and the British Educational Research Association.

Research centres/groups