Dr Helen Ross

Honorary Professor

Psychology University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Helen Ross

Contact details

About me

I have investigated the perception and performance of divers under water, particularly their adaptation to the optical distortions caused by the facemask. I have also studied weight and mass perception in high and low gravity environments, such as the human centrifuge, parabolic flight (see photo above) and Spacelab. I am currently interested in the history of perception, especially the Moon Illusion, and in the perception of the outdoor environment. I am also working on Gaelic psychology terminology.HobbiesHill walking - Compleat Munroist 1998 photo. Member of Scottish Ski Club. Traditional folk music. I play concertinaphoto and small pipes. Member of Shiftin Bobbins Ceilidh Band, Lowland and Borders Pipers' Society, Stirling Folk Club, Traditional Music and Song Association. Gaelic. Cert HE from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig SMO. Member of Gaelic learners' association CLI, andAn Comunn Gaidhealach.