Miss Jodie Geldard


Biological and Environmental Sciences Stirling

Miss Jodie Geldard

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About me

I am a PhD Researcher with interests in Quaternary science, glaciology and geomorphology. My research focuses on the dynamics of former outlet glaciers from the West Highland Icefield (WHI) in Scotland during the Younger Dryas / Loch Lomond Stadial (12.9 – 11.7 ka BP). I will be using a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating geomorphological mapping, remote sensing, Quaternary dating methods and sedimentological analysis, to investigate whether the former extent and terminus positions of the former WHI outlet glaciers were driven by external climatic forcing or their own internal dynamics, such as surging. From a palaeo-environmental perspective, this knowledge is vital as these outlet glaciers currently constitute type-sites for modelling the timing and glacial fluctuations of the Younger Dryas in Scotland. This project is funded by the NERC IAPETUS2 DTP and is supervised by Dr Tom Bradwell with secondary supervision from Professor Doug Benn (St Andrews).

Prior to my PhD, I worked as a Glaciologist and Expedition Guide in the Polar Regions for Quark Expeditions. I have travelled extensively in the Polar and Sub-Polar Regions for fieldwork and work, including Norway, Iceland, Svalbard, Greenland, Arctic Canada, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula.

I previously completed a Master of Science in Research with Distinction in Polar and Alpine Change at the University of Sheffield, where my research focussed on glaciology and slope geomorphology in high Arctic Environments, and the glacial dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet. I have a Bachelor of Science (Hons., First Class) in Physical Geography and Geology from Plymouth University, with a focus on glacial geomorphology, sedimentology, sea level change, palynology and geology. During my undergraduate degree, I also studied at the University of Oslo (one year Erasmus exchange) and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).

Research Project - Surge Forth: Understanding glacial dynamics where the Scottish Highlands meet the Lowlands.

Research Interests - Glaciology, Geomorphology, Palaeo-Environments, Quaternary Geology, Quaternary Dating Methods.

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