Project Report
Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children: Phase 2 Middle Childhood
Whincup H, Cusworth L, Grant M, Jacobs P, Hooper J, Critchley A, Hennessy A & Matthews B (2024) Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children: Phase 2 Middle Childhood. Nuffield Foundation. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Embodied practice in a disembodied time: How the COVID‐19 pandemic shaped direct work with children and young people
Ellis H & Critchley A (2024) Embodied practice in a disembodied time: How the COVID‐19 pandemic shaped direct work with children and young people. Child & Family Social Work.
Book Chapter
No room to change? fatherhood, masculinities and child welfare
Critchley A (2023) No room to change? fatherhood, masculinities and child welfare. In: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Pre-birth child protection and the reproductive rights of fathers
Critchley A (2023) Pre-birth child protection and the reproductive rights of fathers. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 35 (4), pp. 31-44.
Risks and representations: Creating consensus narratives about risk with pregnant women involved with child protection systems in Aotearoa New Zealand and Scotland
Critchley A & Keddell E (2023) Risks and representations: Creating consensus narratives about risk with pregnant women involved with child protection systems in Aotearoa New Zealand and Scotland. Critical Social Policy.
Research Report
Supporting Roots: Support for birth parents in Scotland
Critchley A, Grant M, Hardy M & Cleary J (2023) Supporting Roots: Support for birth parents in Scotland. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.
Breastfeeding, social work and the rights of infants who have been removed
Critchley A, Grant A, Brown A & Morriss L (2022) Breastfeeding, social work and the rights of infants who have been removed. Qualitative Social Work, 21 (1), pp. 3-14.
Changes and Continuities in Adoption Social Work: Adoption in Scotland Since the 1968 Act
Critchley A, Cowan P, Grant M & Hardy M (2021) Changes and Continuities in Adoption Social Work: Adoption in Scotland Since the 1968 Act. British Journal of Social Work, 51 (6), pp. 2061-2079.
Book Chapter
Poetry helps: Poetry as a means of creative reflection in social work
Critchley A & Roesch-Marsh A (2021) Poetry helps: Poetry as a means of creative reflection in social work. In: Turner D (ed.) Social Work and Covid-19 Lessons for Education and Practice. St Albans: Critical Publishing.
Can Knowledge Exchange Forge a Collaborative Pathway to Policymaking? A Case Study Example of the Recognition Matters Project
Critchley A & Mitchell M (2020) Can Knowledge Exchange Forge a Collaborative Pathway to Policymaking? A Case Study Example of the Recognition Matters Project. The British Journal of Social Work, 50 (8), pp. 2298-2318.