Dr Alice MacLean

Research Fellow

Institute for Social Marketing Stirling

Dr Alice MacLean

About me

Alice MacLean is a research fellow at the Institute for Social Marketing and Health, specialising in qualitative research with interests in experiences of health and illness; gender and help-seeking across the life course; and health and behaviour change within families.

Since joining ISMH in 2021, Alice has worked on a range of qualitative projects with her main focus being on two projects devised to explore experiences of Long Covid. One a CSO-funded study designed to amplify the voices of those with lived experience of Long Covid to improve understanding, support, treatment, and education in relation to the illness. The other is an NIHR-funded study, led by colleagues at the University of Oxford, exploring the experiences of Long Covid within families, including the experiences of children and young people with Long Covid.

Alice is also interested in behaviour change and has been involved in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions delivered in professional sports settings and secure institutions. Currently, Alice is a member of the qualitative process evaluation team on the Game of Stones trial.

Alice was based at the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (University of Glasgow) between 2010 and 2019, working on a range of projects initially in the Gender and Health programme and subsequently in the Improving Health in Settings and Organisations programme. Between 2007 and 2010, Alice worked at the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (University of Edinburgh) as research fellow on a qualitative longitudinal study which explored children’s and parents’ experiences of working parenthood. Prior to that, Alice conducted her PhD research, a qualitative exploration of gender differences in symptom reporting among children and young people, at the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit.