Preprint / Working Paper
Men with long-term conditions in the Game of Stones text messaging and financial incentives trial: an explortory mixed methods study
Macaulay L, O’Dolan C, Swingler J, Torrens C, MacLean A, Turner K, Avenell A, Cotton S, Dombrowski SU, Gray CM, MacLennan G, Hunt K, Kee F, McKinley MC & Hoddinott P (2024) Men with long-term conditions in the Game of Stones text messaging and financial incentives trial: an explortory mixed methods study.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Mental health and weight loss in men: an exploratory mixed methods study of the Game of Stones trial
Torrens CE, Turner K, Swingler J, O’Dolan C, MacLean A, Macaulay L, Dombrowski SU, Avenell A, Cotton S, McKinley MC, Hunt K, Gray C, Kee F, MacLennan G & Hoddinott P (2024) Mental health and weight loss in men: an exploratory mixed methods study of the Game of Stones trial.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Long-term Effects of Text Messages with Financial Incentives for Men with Obesity: Two-year Follow-up of the Game of Stones trial
Dombrowski SU, Hoddinott P, Swingler J, Macaulay L, O’Dolan C, Cotton S, Avenell A, Getaneh AM, Gray CM, Hunt K, Kee F, MacLean A, McKinley MC, Torrens C, Turner K, van der Pol M & MacLennan G (2024) Long-term Effects of Text Messages with Financial Incentives for Men with Obesity: Two-year Follow-up of the Game of Stones trial.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Secondary analysis of the Game of Stones trial of text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity
Dombrowski SU, Hoddinott P, Macaulay L, O’Dolan C, Swingler J, Cotton S, Avenell A, Getaneh AM, Gray C, Hunt K, Kee F, MacLean A, McKinley MC, Torrens C, Turner K, Marjon vdP & MacLennan G (2024) Secondary analysis of the Game of Stones trial of text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity [Secondary analysis: The Game of Stones trial].;
Text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity. A randomized clinical trial
Hoddinott P, O'Dolan C, Macaulay L, Dombrowski S, Swingler J, Cotton S, Avenell A, Getaneh A, Gray C, Hunt K, Kee F, MacLean A, McKinley M, Torrens C, Turner K, van der Pol M & MacLennan G (2024) Text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity. A randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
The double invisibility of Long Covid in children
Wild C, MacLean A, Nettleton S, Hunt K & Ziebland S (2024) The double invisibility of Long Covid in children. Social Science & Medicine, 347, Art. No.: 116770.
Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with Long Covid
Hunt K, Maclean A, Locock L, O'Dwyer C, Nettleton S, Ziebland S & Wild C (2024) Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with Long Covid. Brown (Other) Sociology of Health and Illness.
Episodic disability and adjustments for work: the ‘rehabilitative work’ of returning to employment with Long Covid
Anderson E, Hunt K, Wild C, Nettleton S, Ziebland S & MacLean A (2024) Episodic disability and adjustments for work: the ‘rehabilitative work’ of returning to employment with Long Covid. Disability & Society, pp. 1-23.
Impact of Long Covid on the school experiences of children and young people: a qualitative study
MacLean A, Wild C, Hunt K, Nettleton S, Skea ZC & Ziebland S (2023) Impact of Long Covid on the school experiences of children and young people: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 13 (9), Art. No.: e075756.
Negotiation of collective and individual candidacy for long Covid healthcare in the early phases of the Covid-19 pandemic: Validated, diverted and rejected candidacy
Maclean A, Hunt K, Brown A, Evered JA, Dowrick A, Fokkens A, Grob R, Law S, Locock L, Marcinow M, Smith L, Urbanowicz A, Verheij N & Wild C (2023) Negotiation of collective and individual candidacy for long Covid healthcare in the early phases of the Covid-19 pandemic: Validated, diverted and rejected candidacy. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3, Art. No.: 100207.
Fit for LIFE: the development and optimization of an intervention delivered through prison gymnasia to support incarcerated men in making positive lifestyle changes
MacLean A, Maycock M, Hunt K & Gray CM (2022) Fit for LIFE: the development and optimization of an intervention delivered through prison gymnasia to support incarcerated men in making positive lifestyle changes. BMC Public Health, 22 (1), Art. No.: 783.
How men receive and utilise partner support when trying to change their diet and physical activity within a men's weight management programme
Tripathee S, Sweeting H, Chambers S & Maclean A (2020) How men receive and utilise partner support when trying to change their diet and physical activity within a men's weight management programme. BMC Public Health, 20 (1), Art. No.: 199.
Can professional football clubs deliver a weight management programme for women: a feasibility study
Bunn C, Donnachie C, Wyke S, Hunt K, Brennan G, Lennox JC, MacLean A & Gray CM (2018) Can professional football clubs deliver a weight management programme for women: a feasibility study. BMC Public Health, 18, Art. No.: 1330.
Group-based healthy lifestyle workplace interventions for shift workers: a systematic review
Demou E, MacLean A, Cheripelli LJ, Hunt K & Gray CM (2018) Group-based healthy lifestyle workplace interventions for shift workers: a systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 44 (6), pp. 568-584.
Long-term weight loss trajectories following participation in a randomised controlled trial of a weight management programme for men delivered through professional football clubs: a longitudinal cohort study and economic evaluation
Gray CM, Wyke S, Zhang R, Anderson AS, Barry S, Boyer N, Brennan G, Briggs A, Bunn C, Donnachie C, Grieve E, Kohli-Lynch C, Lloyd SM, McConnachie A, McCowan C, MacLean A, Mutrie N & Hunt K (2018) Long-term weight loss trajectories following participation in a randomised controlled trial of a weight management programme for men delivered through professional football clubs: a longitudinal cohort study and economic evaluation. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 15 (1), Art. No.: 60.
Does gender matter? An analysis of men's and women's accounts of responding to symptoms of lung cancer
MacLean A, Hunt K, Smith SM & Wyke S (2017) Does gender matter? An analysis of men's and women's accounts of responding to symptoms of lung cancer. Social Science and Medicine, 191, pp. 134-142.
'Coz football is what we all have': masculinities, practice, performance and effervescence in a gender-sensitised weight-loss and healthy living programme for men
Bunn C, Wyke S, Gray C, MacLean A & Hunt K (2016) 'Coz football is what we all have': masculinities, practice, performance and effervescence in a gender-sensitised weight-loss and healthy living programme for men. Sociology of Health and Illness, 38 (5), pp. 812-828.
"It's not healthy and it's decidedly not masculine": a media analysis of UK newspaper representations of eating disorders in males
MacLean A, Sweeting H, Walker L, Patterson C, Raisanen U & Hunt K (2015) "It's not healthy and it's decidedly not masculine": a media analysis of UK newspaper representations of eating disorders in males. BMJ Open, 5 (5), Art. No.: e007468.
Reflections on Researching with Children Using "Family Group Interviews" as Part of a Qualitative Longitudinal Study
MacLean A & Harden J (2014) Reflections on Researching with Children Using "Family Group Interviews" as Part of a Qualitative Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 5 (4.1), pp. 649-665.
Book Chapter
Responsibility, Work and Family Life: Children’s and Parents’ Experiences of Working Parenthood
Harden J, MacLean A, Backett-Milburn K, Cunningham-Burley S & Jamieson L (2014) Responsibility, Work and Family Life: Children’s and Parents’ Experiences of Working Parenthood. In: Holland J & Edwards R (eds.) Understanding Families Over Time: Research and Policy. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 124-141.
Conference Abstract
Can professional rugby clubs attract English male rugby supporters to a healthy lifestyle programme: the Rugby Fans in Training (RuFIT) study 2013-14
Gray CM, Brennan G, MacLean A, Mutrie N, Hunt K & Wyke S (2014) Can professional rugby clubs attract English male rugby supporters to a healthy lifestyle programme: the Rugby Fans in Training (RuFIT) study 2013-14. European Journal of Public Health, 24 (supplement 2), Art. No.: cku166-074.
Do weight management programmes delivered at professional football clubs attract and engage high risk men? A mixed-methods study
Hunt K, Gray C, MacLean A, Smillie S, Bunn C & Wyke S (2014) Do weight management programmes delivered at professional football clubs attract and engage high risk men? A mixed-methods study. BMC Public Health, 14 (1), Art. No.: 50.
Symptoms of Mental Health Problems: Children's and Adolescents' Understandings and Implications for Gender Differences in Help Seeking
MacLean A, Hunt K & Sweeting H (2013) Symptoms of Mental Health Problems: Children's and Adolescents' Understandings and Implications for Gender Differences in Help Seeking. Children and Society, 27 (3), pp. 161-173.
Home and away: constructing family and childhood in the context of working parenthood
Harden J, Backett-Milburn K, MacLean A, Cunningham-Burley S & Jamieson L (2013) Home and away: constructing family and childhood in the context of working parenthood. Children's Geographies, 11 (3), pp. 298-310.
How robust is the evidence of an emerging or increasing female excess in physical morbidity between childhood and adolescence? Results of a systematic literature review and meta-analyses
MacLean A, Sweeting H, Egan M, Der G, Adamson J & Hunt K (2013) How robust is the evidence of an emerging or increasing female excess in physical morbidity between childhood and adolescence? Results of a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. Social Science and Medicine, 78 (1), pp. 96-112.
Comparing the effectiveness of using generic and specific search terms in electronic databases to identify health outcomes for a systematic review: A prospective comparative study of literature search methods
Egan M, MacLean A, Sweeting H & Hunt K (2012) Comparing the effectiveness of using generic and specific search terms in electronic databases to identify health outcomes for a systematic review: A prospective comparative study of literature search methods. BMJ Open, 2 (3).
The 'family–work project': children's and parents' experiences of working parenthood
Harden J, MacLean A, Backett-Milburn K & Cunningham-Burley S (2012) The 'family–work project': children's and parents' experiences of working parenthood. Families, Relationships and Societies, 1 (2), pp. 207-222.
Hopes for the Future: Parents’ and Children's Narratives of Children's Future Employment Orientations
Harden J, Backett-Milburn K, Maclean A & Jamieson L (2012) Hopes for the Future: Parents’ and Children's Narratives of Children's Future Employment Orientations. Sociological Research Online, 17 (2), pp. 1-10.
Book Chapter
Unfamiliar places and other people's spaces: reflections on the practical challenges of researching families in their homes
MacLean A (2011) Unfamiliar places and other people's spaces: reflections on the practical challenges of researching families in their homes. In: Jamieson L, Simpson R & Lewis R (eds.) Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 56-58.
Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession
MacLean A, Harden J & Backett-Milburn K (2010) Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession. Twenty-First Century Society, 5 (2), pp. 159-170.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave: experiences of doing ‘multiple perspectives’ research in families
Harden J, Backett‐Milburn K, Hill M & MacLean A (2010) Oh, what a tangled web we weave: experiences of doing ‘multiple perspectives’ research in families. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 13 (5), pp. 441-452.
'Rules' for boys, 'guidelines' for girls: Gender differences in symptom reporting during childhood and adolescence
MacLean A, Hunt K & Sweeting H (2010) 'Rules' for boys, 'guidelines' for girls: Gender differences in symptom reporting during childhood and adolescence. Social Science and Medicine, 70 (4), pp. 597-604.
Observations from behind the bar: changing patrons' behaviours in response to smoke-free legislation in Scotland
Hilton S, Cameron J, MacLean A & Petticrew M (2008) Observations from behind the bar: changing patrons' behaviours in response to smoke-free legislation in Scotland. BMC Public Health, 8 (1), Art. No.: 238.