Mrs Gosia Kolomanska

PhD Researcher

Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Stirling

Mrs Gosia Kolomanska

Contact details

About me

Gosia Kolomanska is a second year (part-time) Doctoral Researcher within the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling. She has previously completed a Masters of Science in Applied Social Research at Stirling University, a Masters of Science in Lean Six Sigma for Operational Excellence at Heriot - Watt University and Bachelors of Art (Hons) in Business Management with Finance at Edinburgh Napier University.

Her PhD is sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) which is the UK's largest funder of economic, social, behavioural and human data science.

In collaboration with the National Improvement Services (the national improvement organization for Local Government in Scotland) she undertakes a PhD research which critically explores have administrative data are being used by local government in Scotland to drive improvements in neighbourhood conditions. Her research is being focused around how have long term reforms of local government in Scotland, including the current push for digitalisation and community empowerment , influenced the way administrative data are being used by local government. At the same time, her research is focusing at looking into citizen as data subject to understand how Scottish Local Authorities and the Scottish Government have constructed citizen as a data subject.

Alongside her studies, Gosia also works for one of the local government in Scotland as an Automation Programme Lead. This work involves working with the Corporate Transformation Team to enable delivery of the Digital and Automation Programme by co-ordinating work with colleagues and partners across the council, and the wider Scottish Public Sector (such as the National Improvement Service and the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government) to respond to the needs of customers and communities and their digital and automation ambitions. Some of her work has contributed to the council being a finalist in the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning and Best Performing Council in the Scottish Local Government Benchmarking Framework. Together with the support from Scottish Government Gosia has undertaken a Data Maturity Assessment of the local council she works to understand whether a data maturity assessment model could be an appropriate approach for the Public Sector to help improve the use and reuse of data and form a foundation for the development of Data Transformation Framework.


Scoping the skills needs in the social sciences to support data driven research…driven-research/
I was invited to act as an expert and adviser to assist Dr. Jo Ferrie and her research team in a research project which was looking at scoping the skills needs in the social sciences to support data driven research. My contribution was related to sense-checking the findings and helping with the development of recommendations. This was a major project funded by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and UKRI (UK Research Innovation) and it led to “informed both [ESRC’s] vision and strategy for postgraduate education”. As a result a £2.4 million pot is available to Doctoral Training Partnerships to invest in a reformation of their methods content and delivery.