Biological and Environmental Sciences

Outputs related to Biological and Environmental Sciences

Showing 1801 to 1900 of 4015


Bayliss A, Beavan N, Hamilton D, Köhler K, Nyerges ÉÁ, Bronk Ramsey C, Dunbar E, Fecher M, Goslar T, Kromer B, Reimer PJ, Bánffy E, Marton T, Oross K, Osztás A, Zalai-Gaál I & Whittle A (2016) Peopling the past: creating a site biography in the Hungarian Neolithic. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, 94, pp. 23-91.

Conference Proceeding

Jeffery KJ, White L, Bush E, Moore S, Malhi Y, Lewis S, Dimoto E, Dikangadissi J, Evouna Ondo F, Edzang Ndong J, Ditoughou C, Lehmann D & Abernethy K (2016) Future perspectives from historical data; addressing the data-gap in Central Africa. In: Sist P, Carriere S, Parolin P & Forget P (eds.) 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Montpellier, France, 19.06.2016-23.06.2016. Paris, France: Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, p. 144.

Book Chapter

Hess LL, Costa M, Evans TL, Silva TSF, Chapman BD & Milne T (2016) Remote Sensing of Wetland Types: Tropical Flooded Forests. In: Finlayson C, Everard M, Irvine K, McInnes R, Middleton B, van Dam A & Davidson N (eds.) The Wetland Book. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1-5.

Conference Proceeding

Ameerbakhsh O, Maharaj S, Hussain A, Paine CET & Taiksi S (2016) An exploratory case study of interactive simulation for teaching Ecology. In: 2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). ITHET 2016: 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Istanbul, Turkey, 08.09.2016-10.09.2016. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.


Hodgson CJ, Oliver D, Fish R, Bulmer N, Heathwaite AL, Winter M & Chadwick DR (2016) Seasonal persistence of faecal indicator organisms in soil following dairy slurry application to land by surface broadcasting and shallow injection. Journal of Environmental Management, 183 (1), pp. 325-332.


Richards C, Jones AM, MacSween A, Sheridan A, Dunbar E, Reimer PJ, Bayliss A, Griffiths S & Whittle A (2016) Settlement duration and materiality: formal chronological models for the development of Barnhouse, a Grooved Ware settlement in Orkney. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 82, pp. 193-225.


Street LE, Dean J, Billett M, Baxter R, Dinsmore KJ, Lessels JS, Subke J, Tetzlaff D & Wookey P (2016) Redox dynamics in the active layer of an Arctic headwater catchment; examining the potential for transfer of dissolved methane from soils to stream water. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121 (11), pp. 2776-2792.


Pauwels OSG, le Garff B, Ineich I, Carlino P, Melcore I, Boudenga L, Vigna C, Stevart T, Jeffery KJ, Orbell C, Squarcini J, Vande weghe J & White L (2016) Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica V & VI. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, 51 (11), pp. 177-185.


Carr AS, Chase BM, Boom A & Medina-Sanchez J (2016) Stable isotope analyses of rock hyrax faecal pellets, hyraceum and associated vegetation in southern Africa: Implications for dietary ecology and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Journal of Arid Environments, 134, pp. 33-48.


Ormsby MJ, Caws T, Burchmore R, Wallis T, Verner-Jeffreys DW & Davies RL (2016) Yersinia ruckeri isolates recovered from diseased Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Scotland are more diverse than those from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and represent distinct subpopulations. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82 (19), pp. 5785-5794.


Hacket-Pain AJ, Cavin L, Friend AD & Jump A (2016) Consistent limitation of growth by high temperature and low precipitation from range core to southern edge of European beech indicates widespread vulnerability to changing climate. European Journal of Forest Research, 135 (5), pp. 897-909.


Abernethy K, Maisels F & White L (2016) Environmental issues in Central Africa. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 41 (1), pp. 1-33.;

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Martin R, Hart J, Bernard A, Salumu L, Abani R, Hart T, Maisels F & Strindberg S (2016) The wild bird trade and African parrots: Past, present and future challenges. 14th Pan African Ornithological Congress (PAOC 14)- Global changes: threats and opportunities for birds in Africa, Dakar, Senegal, 16.10.2016-21.10.2016.


Ripple WJ, Chapron G, Lopez-Bao JV, Durant SM, Macdonald DW, Lindsey PA, Bennett EL, Beschta RL, Bruskotter JT, Campos-Arceiz A, Corlett RT, Darimont CT, Dickman AJ, Dirzo R, Dublin HT, Estes JA, Everatt KT, Galetti M, Goswami VR, Hayward MW, Hedges S, Hoffmann M, Hunter LTB, Kerley GI, Letnic M, Levi T, Maisels F, Morrison JC, Nelson MP, Newsome TM, Painter L, Pringle RM, Sandom CJ, Terborgh J, Treves A, Van Valkenburgh B, Vucetich JA, Wirsing AJ, Wallach AD, Wolf C, Woodroffe R, Young H & Zhang L (2016) Saving the World's Terrestrial Megafauna. BioScience, 66 (10), pp. 807-812.


Ratcliffe S, Ruiz-Benito P, Kändler G & Zavala MA (2016) Retos y oportunidades en el uso de Inventarios Forestales Nacionales para el estudio de la relación entre la diversidad y el aprovisionamiento de servicios ecosistémicos en bosques [Challenges and opportunities in the use of National Forest Inventories for the study of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services supply in forests]. Ecosistemas, 25 (3), pp. 60-69.


Barrio IC, Bueno CG, Gartzia M, Soininen EM, Christie KS, Speed JDM, Ravolainen VT, Forbes BC, Gauthier G, Horstkotte T, Hoset KS, Hoye TT, Jonsdottir IS, Levesque E, Morsdorf MA, Olofsson J, Wookey P & Hik DS (2016) Biotic interactions mediate patterns of herbivore diversity in the Arctic. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25 (9), pp. 1108-1118.


Jakucs J, Bánffy E, Oross K, Voicsek V, Bronk Ramsey C, Dunbar E, Kromer B, Bayliss A, Hoffmann D, Marshall P & Whittle A (2016) Between the Vinča and Linearbandkeramik worlds: the diversity of practices and identities in the 54th–53rd centuries cal BC in south-west Hungary and beyond. Journal of World Prehistory, 29 (3), pp. 267-336.


Oliver D, Bird C, Burd E & Wyman M (2016) Quantitative PCR Profiling of Escherichia coli in Livestock Feces Reveals Increased Population Resilience Relative to Culturable Counts under Temperature Extremes. Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (17), pp. 9497-9505.


De Wandeler H, Sousa-Silva R, Ampoorter E, Bruelheide H, Carnol M, Dawud SM, Danila G, Finer L, Hattenschwiler S, Hermy M, Jaroszewicz B, Joly F, Muller S, Pollastrini M & Ratcliffe S (2016) Drivers of earthworm incidence and abundance across European forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 99, pp. 167-178.