
Outputs related to Psychology

Showing 1701 to 1800 of 3523

Book Chapter

Roberts SC (2014) Evolutionary Psychology. In: Losos J (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology, Online. New York: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter

Williamson EA (2014) Mountain gorillas: a shifting demographic landscape. In: Yamagiwa J & Karczmarski L (eds.) Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies. Primatology Monographs, 5. Tokyo: Springer Japan, pp. 273-287.

Conference Proceeding

Maisels F, Strindberg S, Blake S, Wittemyer G, Hart J, Williamson EA, Aba'a R, Abitsi G, Ambahe R, Amsini F, Bakabana PC, Hicks T, Bayogo R, Bechem M & Beyers R (2014) Massive loss of forests elephants in central Africa. In: Malhi Y (ed.) Megafauna and Ecosystem Function: from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene Conference Abstracts. Megafauna and Ecosystem Function: From the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 18.03.2014-20.03.2014. Oxford: Environmental change institute, Oxford University, p. 18.

Extended Abstract

Cameron L, Ozakinci G, Zawadzki MJ, Wiebe D & Cameron L (2014) Innovations in emotion regulation and health. International Congress of Behavioural Medicine 2014, Groningen International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21 (August Supplement), pp. S191-S192, Art. No.: S648.


Anderson AS, Macleod M, Mutrie N, Sugden J, Dobson H, Treweek S, O'Carroll R, Thompson AM, Kirk A, Brennan G & Wyke S (2014) Breast cancer risk reduction - is it feasible to initiate a randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention programme (ActWell) within a national breast screening programme?. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11 (1), Art. No.: 156.


Whiteman B, Turner A, Szczepura A, Grunfeld B, Baines D, Radford M, Ozakinci G, Young A & Cree I (2014) Acceptability of new generic blood tests for early tumour detection and development of an associated on-line peer-support programme (eCOPE). The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer conference 2014, Liverpool, 02.11.2014-05.11.2014.


Whelehan P & Ozakinci G (2014) Women's experiences of mammography: a qualitative exploration. The NCRI Cancer conference, UK, 02.11.2014-05.11.2014.

Book Chapter

Williamson EA & Macfie EJ (2014) Guidelines for best practice in great ape tourism. In: Russon A & Wallis J (eds.) Primate Tourism: A Tool for Conservation?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 292-310.


Caes L, Vervoort T, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Goubert L (2014) Parental distress and catastrophic thoughts about child pain: Implications for parental protective behavior in the context of child leukemia-related medical procedures. Clinical Journal of Pain, 30 (9), pp. 787-799.


Lyall DM, Harris SE, Bastin ME, Muñoz Maniega S, Murray C, Lutz MW, Saunders AM, Roses AD, Valdés Hernández MdC, Royle NA, Starr JM, Porteous DJ, Wardlaw JM & Deary IJ (2014) Are APOE ɛ genotype and TOMM40 poly-T repeat length associations with cognitive ageing mediated by brain white matter tract integrity?. Translational Psychiatry, 4 (9), Art. No.: e449.

Meeting Abstract

Hoddinott P, Morgan H, Thomson G, Crossland N & Dombrowski SU (2014) A ladder logic model to inform the design of incentive trials for women around childbirth. ICBM 2014: 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Groningen, Germany, 20/08/2014 - 23/08/2014. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21 (Supplement 1), p. S139.;


Laidlaw A, Hunter J, Turvey T, Stillman M, Warren R & Ozakinci G (2014) The development and evaluation of a flexible training course “understanding and developing compassion”. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 14 (2), pp. 149-157.

Meeting Abstract

Ozakinci G, Watson E, Sharpe N & Humphris G (2014) Regulating fears of recurrence. "Innovation in Behavioral Medicine" : International Congress of Behavioural Medicine 2014, Groningen. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21 (Supplement 1), pp. S192-S192.


Chambers J, O'Carroll R, Cook A, Cavanagh J, Archibald D & Millar R (2014) A pilot telephone intervention to increase uptake of breast cancer screening in socially deprived areas in Scotland (TELBRECS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 14 (1), Art. No.: 824.


Caes L, Goubert L, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Vervoort T (2014) The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39 (7), pp. 677-686.


Morris D, Rodriguez A, Moxon JV, Cunningham M, McDermott M, Myers J, Leeper N, Jones R & Golledge J (2014) Association of lower extremity performance with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with peripheral artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association, 3 (4), Art. No.: e001105.


Farquharson B, Dombrowski SU, Pollock A, Johnston M, Treweek S, Williams B, Smith K, Dougall N, Jones C & Pringle S (2014) Reducing patient delay with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome: a research protocol for a systematic review of previous interventions to investigate which behaviour change techniques are associated with effective interventions. Open Heart, 1 (1).


Fernando M, Crowther R, Pappas E, Lazzarini P, Cunningham M, Sangla K, Buttner P & Golledge J (2014) Plantar Pressure in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients with Active Foot Ulceration, Previous Ulceration and No History of Ulceration: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), Art. No.: e99050.


Pakpour AH, Yekaninejad MS, Sniehotta FF, Updegraff JA & Dombrowski SU (2014) The Effectiveness of Gain- Versus Loss-Framed Health Messages in Improving Oral Health in Iranian Secondary Schools: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 47 (3), pp. 376-387.


Smiseth PT, Andrews CP, Mattey SN & Mooney R (2014) Phenotypic variation in resource acquisition influences trade-off between number and mass of offspring in a burying beetle: Trade-off between number and mass of offspring. Journal of Zoology, 293 (2), pp. 80-83.


Lyall DM, Harris SE, Bastin ME, Muñoz Maniega S, Murray C, Lutz MW, Saunders AM, Roses AD, Valdés Hernández MdC, Royle NA, Starr JM, Porteous DJ, Wardlaw JM & Deary IJ (2014) Alzheimer's disease susceptibility genes APOE and TOMM40, and brain white matter integrity in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. Neurobiology of Aging, 35 (6), pp. 1513.e25-1513.e33.


Robertson J, Molloy G, Bollina PR, Kelly D, McNeill SA & Forbat L (2014) Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of couple-based psychosexual support following prostate cancer surgery: Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials, 15, Art. No.: 183.