Institute for Social Marketing

Projects related to Institute for Social Marketing

Showing 101 to 200 of 245

360 Selfie: Capturing social, physical and environmental triggers relating to smoking cessation
PI: Dr Richard Purves
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Impact of non-price promotions on discretionary food sales: Systematic review of marketing evidence and recommendations paper
Funded by: Scottish Government

Computer Says No - Harnessing the gaming community to promote health messages for cancer prevention
PI: Dr Richard Purves
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Analysis of Youth Alcohol Policy Survey
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Mass Media for Public Health Messages
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Obesity and Alcohol Use: is there a role for dually focused intervention in young adults (18-25) to tackle unhealthy eating and heavy drinking and effectively reduce future health inequalities?
Funded by: Department of Health

Stop Smoking Services Campaign Evaluation Academic Consultancy
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Pilot Research Study for the Policy Research Centre for Cancer Prevention, CRUK: Youth Policy Surveys
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Women and alcohol: evidence synthesis of the impacts on population level interventions to reduce alcohol use/harm by gender
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

Feasibility and acceptability of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation in lung cancer patients
Funded by: Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Alcohol Screening in Pregnancy Systematic Review & Scoping Study
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

Healthcare Retail Standard Evaluation
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Baby Be Smoke Free - A Quit Smoking Service for Young Mums-to-Be
Funded by: Department of Health

PI: Dr Allison Ford
Funded by: Delegates - Short Courses

The Development of a Training Toolkit for Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) for Alcohol adapted for Emergency Care settings
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: World Health Organisation

ASSIST Scotland Process Evaluation - Additional Funding for Lothian Area
Funded by: Scottish Government

WHO ABI Training Materials Pilot
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: World Health Organisation

Production of Research Editorials for the UK E-cigarette Research Forum
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

The Role of Stop Smoking Services in the Devolved Nations
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

A process evaluation of the implementation of ASSIST Scotland
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Evaluating whether the Loi Evin regulations reduce exposure to alcohol marketing
PI: Dr Richard Purves
Funded by: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems and Institute of Alcohol Studies

Alcohol in Pregnancy Study
Funded by: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

The Identifying & Describing Arguments (IDEA) project.
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

LivingWell- a feasibility study to assess the impact of a lifestyle intervention in people attending family history clinics with an increased risk of colorectal or breast cancer.
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Electronic Cigarettes: Tobacco Industry Business Plans or Strategies
PI: Ms Kathryn Angus
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Attitutes to Electronic Cigarettes: A Qualitative Study of Women who are Pregnant or have Recently
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Remuneration for Alcohol Brief Interventions Scoping Study
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems

Research on Warnings on Cigarettes and Pack Inserts
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Process Evaluation of Alcohol Brief Interventions in wider settings (Young People and Social Work)
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Development and evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Women and Alcohol: Towards an Equity Review of the Effectiveness of Population-based Interventions to Reduce Alcohol Use and Harm by Gender
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

Four Nations: the differences and similarities in alcohol policies and programmes across the four jurisdictions of the UK
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts

Electronic Cigarette Marketing: Current Research and Policy
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Implementation science applied to maternal health: tobacco and alcohol use in pregnancy
Funded by: The British Council

Benefits of Incentives for breastfeeding & smoking cessation: a platform study for a trial
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Incentivised opportunities for physical activity delivered in workplace settings during paid working hours: an exploratory study
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Evaluate the Impact and Experience of using Flying Start
PI: Dr Anne Taylor
Funded by: EKOS Consulting (UK) Ltd (ekosgen)

Brand Regulation in the UK Alcohol Market: a Pilot Study (Perpetrator puts right Pilot)
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

ALICE RAP - Addictions and lifestyles in contemporary Europe - Reframing Addictions Project
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among young children with cystic fibrosis: a Medical Research Council complex intervention framework development and feasibility study
PI: Professor Emma France
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Exploring the General Public's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour to Responding to Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Funded by: Scottish Government

Developing Social Network Support to Improve Smoking Cessation Outcomes for Pregnant Women Living in Disadvantaged Areas
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Young Adult's Perceptions of Cigarette Design
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Process evaluation of the implementation of universal free school meals (FSM)
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

The Content and Design of Alcohol Brief Intervention Training for Practitioners
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Alcohol Research UK

Cancer Research UK Centre for Tobacco Control Research (CTCR)
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Assessment of Citizen's Exposure to Tobacco Marketing
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Proposal to Develop a Social Marketing Module and Training Programme
PI: Ms Kathryn Angus
Funded by: World Health Organisation

Understanding & responding to those bereaved through their family members substance misuse
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

UKCTAS Communictions and Research Network Manager
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Alcohol Policy Interventions in Scotland and England: APISE
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Contribution to APISE drinking diaries Wave 1
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Medical Research Council and NHS Health Scotland

Scientific Advisory Support for PAS Development
Funded by: Scottish Government

Technical specifications and guidelines for the use of warning messages on tobacco packages
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Evaluating longer term outcomes of NHS stop smoking services
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Provision of Tobacco Control Health Inequalities Pilot Programme
Funded by: Department of Health

Qualitative Alcohol Research in Scotland - Consultancy Services for TNS
Funded by: Scottish Government

Tobacco Industry Denormalisation Survey
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

TreatWELL – a feasibility study to assess the delivery of a lifestyle intervention for colorectal cancer patients undergoing potentially curative treatment
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Cancer Diagnosis as an opportunity for increasing uptake of smoking cessation services among families
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Phase 2 research to support the evaluation and implementation of adult cooking skills interventions in the UK: pilot RCT with process and economic evaluation components
Funded by: Department of Health

Barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation in pregnancy and following childbirth
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Innovative Packaging Measures to Communicate Health Risk/Cessation Messages to Smokers
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Digital R&D Fund for Arts & Culture in Scotland: Research Consortium
PI: Professor Claire Squires
Funded by: The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts

Keep Scotland Beautiful ‘nudge’ experiment to influence littering behaviour
Funded by: Keep Scotland Beautiful

Design and Evaluate We Can Quit Smoking Cessation Model
Funded by: Irish Cancer Society

Young people, alcohol packaging and digital media
PI: Dr Richard Purves
Funded by: Alcohol Research UK

International Tobacco Policy Survey.
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

BME Feasibility and Ethnographic Study in Deprived Areas in the Southside of Glasgow
Funded by: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Local Champions and Community Snowballing: Applying Principles of Co-Production in Deprived
Funded by: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Reducing lifestyle associated cancer risk in people attending family history clinics - formative research
Funded by: University of Dundee

Using an Asset-based Approach and an Innovative Methodology to Evaluate Smoking Awareness Campaigns in Fife Schools
Funded by: NHS Fife

Extension of Current Research on Overprovision of Licensed Premises
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Tobacco Policy Evaluation In Low and Middle Income Countries: the ITC Surveys
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

Female Perceptions of Cigarette Packaging and Product Design
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy: A Phase II Randomised Controlled Trial
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Scoping and Prioritisation of Health Communication Research and Country Capacity Building Activities
Funded by: European Center for Disease Prevention & Control

Illicit Tobacco: Using an assets-based to develop a social marketing campaign across NHSGGC
Funded by: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Briefing Paper on E-cigarette Marketing and Policy
Funded by: Public Health England

The UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

The Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes in the UK: direct and indirect promotion through traditional, digital and social media
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Effectiveness & Barriers/Facilitators Reviews - Smoke free Secondary Care Settings (Component 3)
PI: Ms Kathryn Angus
Funded by: National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence

Information to Inform Alcohol Volume Units Conversion Factors
Funded by: Department of Health

Is it Illicit? Talking Tobacco on the Radio in Deprived Communities
Funded by: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

BeWEL the impact of body weight and physical activity intervention programme on adults at the risk of developing colorectal adenomas
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Alcohol and Public Health Strategy
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Alcohol Focus Scotland, Alcohol Research UK, Balance North East, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, British Liver Trust, Cancer Research UK, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Our Life and Royal College of Physicians

Scoping & feasibility study to Develop and Apply a Methodology for Retrospective Adjustment of Alcohol Consumption Trend Data (Glass Size)
Funded by: Department of Health

Responsible Advertising and Marketing of Food Publicly Available Specification (PAS)
Funded by: Scottish Government

Tobacco harm reduction and nicotine containing products: research priorities and policy directions
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Plain and standardised' tobacco packaging
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Exploring the impact that using plain cigarette packaging in real world settings has upon young adult female smokers: an ecological study
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Implementing of specific strategies focusing on health determinants: Reducing the damaging effects of alcohol
Funded by: Ligaris

An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions in Primary Care
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

"Establishing a Program for Dissemination of Evidence Based Health Communication Activities and Innovations on Communicable Diseases for Country Support in the EU and EEA/EFTA, 2009-12"
Funded by: National University of Ireland

Cancer Research UK Centre for Tobacco Control Research
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Study on the Tobacco Industry's New Marketing, Sales and Product Strategies
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Testing the feasibility of nicotine assisted reduction to stop in pharmacies, The RedPharm Study
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Plain Tobacco Packaging: A systematic review
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Department of Health

Provision of Tobacco Control Health Inequalities Pilot Programme
Funded by: Department of Health