
Outputs related to History

Showing 301 to 400 of 1437

Authored Book

Bowman S (2018) Pilgrims Society and Public Diplomacy, 1895-1945. Edinburgh Studies in Anglo-American Relations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-the-pilgrims-society-and-public-diplomacy-1895-1945.html


Harrison R, McGhie H, Bartolini N, Macdonald S, Holtorf C, DeSilvey C, Morgan J, May S, Penrose S, Lyons A & Fredheim H Heritage Futures, Manchester Museum.


Graham E, Hambly J, Robson L, Rockman M, Gao Q, Foster S, Miller S & Dawson T (2018) Learning from Loss Climate Stories. [Web]. https://issuu.com/joannahambly/docs/learning_from_loss_climate_stories

Authored Book

Nicolson C & Dudley Edwards O (2018) Imaginary Friendship in the American Revolution: John Adams and Jonathan Sewall. 1st ed. Perspectives on Early America. Abingdon: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Imaginary-Friendship-in-the-American-Revolution-John-Adams-and-Jonathan/Nicolson-Edwards/p/book/9781138703827

Website Content

Toth G (2018) Native American Women’s Transatlantic Activism for Sovereignty [Guest Blog:
Gyorgy “George” Toth (University of Stirling)]. [Internet blog (Wordpress)] 14.11.2018. https://transatlanticladies.wordpress.com/2018/11/14/guest-blog-native-american-womens-activism/

Authored Book

Bonacchi C (2018) Co-producing Knowledge Online. Connected Communities: Foundation Series, Foundation Series. Bristol: Arts and Humanities Research Council. Connected Communities Foundation Series.

Book Chapter

Damen M, Haemers J & Mann AJ (2018) Conclusion. Reconsidering Political Representation in Europe, 1400-1700. In: Damen M, Haemers J & Mann AJ (eds.) Political Representation: Communities, Ideas and Institutions in Europe, c.1200-c.1690. Later Mediaeval Europe, 15. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 309-318. https://brill.com/view/title/34694

Book Chapter

Foster S (2018) Society for Medieval Archaeology. In: Smith C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-0465-2


Bartolini N, Breithoff E, DeSilvey C, Fredhiem H, Harrison R, Holtorf C, Lyons A, Macdonald S, May S, Morgan J & Penrose S (2018) Assembling Alternative Futures for Heritage. Context, (155), pp. 22-24. http://ihbc.org.uk/page55/context_archive/index.html

Authored Book

Penman M (2018) Robert the Bruce, King of the Scots. 2nd - revised paperback edition ed. Yale: Yale University Books. https://yalebooks.co.uk/display.asp?k=9780300240313

Book Chapter

Foster S (2018) Replication of things: the case for composite biographical approaches. In: Codell J & Hughes L (eds.) Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century: Re-makings and Reproductions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 23-44. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-replication-in-the-long-nineteenth-century-hb.html

Conference Proceeding

Bebbington DW (2018) Reformation and Revival Identities in British Dissent. In: Reidel C (ed.) Freikirchen Forschung. Freikirchenforschung, 26. Frühjahrstagung des Vereins für Freikirchenforschung (VFF): Reformatorische Identität im europäischen Freikirchentu, Wittenberg, 12.03.2016-13.03.2016. Munster, Germany: Herausgegeben vom Verein fur Freikirchenforschuing.

Conference Proceeding

Macdonald S & Morgan J (2018) How can we know the future? Uncertainty, transformation, and magical techniques of significance assessment in museum collecting. In: Assessment of Significance: Deuten - Bedeuten - Umdeuten. Assessment of Significance: Interpretation - Implication - Reinterpretation, 11.05.2017-13.05.2017. Berlin, Germany: Deutsches Historisches Museum, pp. 20-26.

Book Review

Bebbington DW (2018) The Evangelical age of ingenuity in industrial Britain. Review of:
by Joseph Stubenrauch, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. viii + 285 incl. 12 figs. ISBN: 978 0 19 878337 4. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69 (1), pp. 200-202. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0022046917001609

Book Chapter

Bebbington D (2018) Academies. In: Rivers I & Burden M (eds.) A History of the Dissenting Academies in the British Isles, 1660-1860. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapter

Berger S & Nehring H (2017) Introduction: Towards a Global History of Social Movements. In: Berger S & Nehring H (eds.) The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective: A Survey. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-35. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137304254

Book Chapter

Nehring H (2017) Peace Movements. In: Berger S & Nehring H (eds.) The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 485-513. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137304254


Oram R (2017) The Making and Breaking of a Comital Family: Malcolm Fleming, First Earl of Wigtown, and Thomas Fleming, Second Earl of Wigtown, Part 2: The Breaking of an Earldom: The Decline of Earl Malcolm and Failure of Earl Thomas. International Review of Scottish Studies, 42, pp. 36-58. http://www.irss.uoguelph.ca/index.php/irss/article/view/3559; https://doi.org/10.21083/irss.v42i0.3559

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2017) The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in Britain. In: Bezzant R (ed.) The Global Edwards: Papers from the Jonathan Edwards Congress held in Melbourne, August 2015. Australian College of Theology Monograph Series. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, pp. 1-21. https://wipfandstock.com/the-global-edwards.html

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2017) A British Perspective on Evangelicalism. In: Schmidt N & Lüdke F (eds.) Pietismus, Neupietismus, Evangelikalismus: Identitätskonstruktionen im erwecklichen Protestantismus. Schriften der Evangelischen Hochschule TABOR, 6. Berlin: Lit Verlag, pp. 129-144. http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-13482-0


Oram R (2017) The Making and Breaking of a Comital Family: Malcolm Fleming, First Earl of Wigtown, and Thomas Fleming, Second Earl of Wigtown. Part 1: The Making of an Earl: Malcolm Fleming. International Review of Scottish Studies, 42, pp. 1-35. http://www.irss.uoguelph.ca/index.php/irss/article/view/3558; https://doi.org/10.21083/irss.v42i0.3558

Book Review

Penman MA (2017) The shape of the state in medieval Scotland, 1124-1290. Review of: The shape of the state in medieval Scotland, 1124–1290, by Alice Taylor, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, 525 pp. ISBN 978-0-1987-4920-2. Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 37 (3), pp. 339-340. https://doi.org/10.1080/02606755.2017.1338848

Book Chapter

Mann A (2017) Ideologies inked in: Scotland’s culture of print in the Union debate of 1706. In: Müller K, Schwittlinsky I & Walker R (eds.) Inspiring Views from "A' the Airts" on Scottish Literatures, Art & Cinema: The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow 2014. Scottish Studies International - Publications of the Scottish Studies Centre, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germersheim, 41. Frankfurt: Peter Lang AG, pp. 105-126. https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/25229?tab=subjects&result=9&rskey=MkPxXa; https://doi.org/10.3726/978-3-653-06902-0

Book Chapter

Nehring H (2017) Europäische Friedensbewegungen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert [European peace movements since the nineteenth century]. In: Echternkamp J & Mack H (eds.) Geschichte ohne Grenzen? Europäische Dimensionen der Militärgeschichte vom 19. Jahrhundert bis heute [History without borders? European Dimensions of Military History from the nineteenth century to the present day]. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 99-110. https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449809; https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110454864-010

Book Chapter

Palacios Cerezales D (2017) Persistent repertoires of contention in Portugal: from tax riots to anti-communist violence (1840-1975). In: Favretto I & Itçaina X (eds.) Protest, Popular Culture and Tradition in Modern European History. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125-147. http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137507365; https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-50737-2_7

Edited Book

Karakatsanis L & Papadogiannis N (eds.) (2017) The Politics of Culture in Turkey, Greece and Cyprus: Performing the Left since the Sixties.. Routledge Advances in Mediterranean Studies. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Politics-of-Culture-in-Turkey-Greece--Cyprus-Performing-the-Left/Karakatsanis-Papadogiannis/p/book/9780367873202

Technical Report

Penman MA & Utsi E (2017) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Central Area between the Vestry and the Altar and 2 External Areas overlying the former Lady Chapel of Dunfermline Abbey For Dr Michael Penman University of Stirling [Dunfermline Draft GPR R2 - 2017]. University of Stirling [Dr Michael Penman]. Stirling. https://dunfgpr.stir.ac.uk/; https://canmore.org.uk/; https://dunfermlineabbey.com/wwp/


Thacker M (2017) Fossilised Environments Above The Ground - an interdisciplinary approach to the ecology of medieval castle construction (Presentation) Grand Challenge Agendas in Environmental Archaeology: Association for Environmental Archaeology Autumn Conference, Edinburgh 2017, Edinburgh, 01.12.2017-03.12.2017. https://www.ed.ac.uk/files/atoms/files/aea_conference_final_programme.pdf

Book Chapter

Penman MA & Lachaud F (2017) Introduction: Absentee Authority across Medieval Europe. In: Lachaud F & Penman M (eds.) Absentee Authority Across Medieval Europe. Woodbridge, England: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 1-20. https://boydellandbrewer.com/absentee-authority-across-medieval-europe-hb.html

Edited Book

Lachaud F & Penman MA (eds.) (2017) Absentee Authority Across Medieval Europe. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell and Brewer. https://boydellandbrewer.com/absentee-authority-across-medieval-europe-hb.html

Edited Book

Jenkinson J (ed.) (2017) Belgian Refugees in First World War Britain. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Belgian-Refugees-in-First-World-War-Britain/Jenkinson/p/book/9781138296183

Book Chapter

Oram R (2017) Parishes and Churches. In: Stringer KJ & Winchester AJL (eds.) Northern England and Southern Scotland in the Central Middle Ages. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 197-218. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781787441521.007

Book Chapter

Foster S (2017) Icolmkill: the ruins of Iona. In: Carter M, Lindfield P & Townsend D (eds.) Writing Britain's Ruins. London: British Library, pp. 158-161. http://bookshop.nationalarchives.gov.uk/9780712309783/Writing-Britain%27s-Ruins/

Website Content

Morgan J (2017) Torbay's Hidden Treasures. Heritage Futures [Website Blog Post] 09.10.2017. https://heritage-futures.org/torbays-hidden-treasures/

Book Chapter

Jenkinson J (2017) Black, Arab and south Asian Colonial Britons in the Intersections between War and Peace: The 1919 Seaport Riots in Perspective. In: Ewence H & Grady T (eds.) Minorities and the First World War: From War to Peace. London: Palgrave Macmilan, pp. 175-198. http://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137539748; https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-53975-5_7

Book Chapter

Slavin P (2017) The Preacher in the Rye: Allegory and Reality of Rural Life in Middle English Sermons. In: Sharp T, Cochelin I, Dinkova-Bruun G, Firey A & Silano G (eds.) From Learning to Love: Schools, Law, and Pastoral Care in the Middle Ages - Essays in Honour of Joseph W. Goering. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, pp. 492-514. http://www.pims.ca/publications/new-and-recent-titles/publication/from-learning-to-love-schools-law-and-pastoral-care-in-the-middle-agesessays-in-honour-of-joseph-w-goering

Book Review

Vonnák D (2017) Lafrenz Samuels, Kathryn & Trinidad Rico (eds). Heritage keywords: rhetoric and redescription in cultural heritage. xx, 309 pp., map, tables, illus., bibliogrs. Boulder: Univ. Press of Colorado, 2015. £28.84 (paper). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 23 (3), pp. 634-635. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.12665

Book Chapter

Peden G (2017) Liberal economists and the British welfare state: from Beveridge to the New Right. In: Backhouse R, Bateman B, Nishizawa T & Plehwe D (eds.) Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists and Arguments for the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 39-56. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/liberalism-and-the-welfare-state-9780190676681?cc=gb〈=en&; https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780190676681.003.0003

Book Chapter

Nicolson C (2017) Understanding the Boston Stamp Act Riots, 1765. In: Marsh B & Rapport M (eds.) Understanding and Teaching the Age of Revolutions. Harvey Goldberg Series for Understanding and Teaching History. Madison, WI, USA: University of Wisconsin Press. https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/5416.htm

Book Chapter

Palacios Cerezales D (2017) The military and the (colonial) policing of mainland Portugal (1850–1910). In: O’Reilly C (ed.) Colonial Policing and the Transnational Legacy: The Global Dynamics of Policing Across the Lusophone Community. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 35-54. https://www.routledge.com/Colonial-Policing-and-the-Transnational-Legacy-The-Global-Dynamics-of/OReilly/p/book/9781409465300

Book Review

Penman MA (2017) Barbour's Bruce and Its Cultural Context: Politics, Chivalry and Literature in Late Medieval Scotland. Review of: Barbour’s Bruce and Its Cultural Context: Politics, Chivalry and Literature in Late Medieval Scotland, edited by S Boardman and S Foran. DS Brewer: Cambridge, 2015, Pp. xi, 244 pp. ISBN 9781843843573. American Historical Review, 122 (3), pp. 913-915. https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/122.3.913

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2017) Theology. In: Larsen T & Ledger-Lomas M (eds.) The Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions, Volume III: The Nineteenth Century. Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions, 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 347-368. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-history-of-protestant-dissenting-traditions-volume-iii-9780199683710?cc=gb〈=en&#