University of Stirling

Outputs related to University of Stirling

Showing 21301 to 21400 of 32891


Bussiere L, Tinsley MC & Laugen A (2013) Female preferences for facial masculinity are probably not adaptations for securing good immunocompetence genes. Commentary on: Scott IML, Clark AP, Boothroyd LG, Penton-Voak IS. 2012. Do men’s faces really signal heritable immunocompetence? Behav Ecol. 24:579–589.. Behavioral Ecology, 24 (3), pp. 593-594.

Book Chapter

Macleod E (2013) Conservative reaction, c.1792-1820: the case for rejection. In: Macleod E (ed.) British Visions of America, 1775-1820: Republican Realities. The Enlightenment World, 27. London: Pickering and Chatto, pp. 73-99.;

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Munro W (2013) Utopia and its Discontents. In: Malloch M & Munro B (eds.) Crime, Critique and Utopia. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-20.

Edited Book

Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2013) Crime, Critique and Utopia. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan.


Evans J, Mackison D, Swanson V, Donnan PT, Emslie-Smith AM & Lawton J (2013) Self-monitoring among non-insulin treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Patients' behavioural responses to readings and associations with glycaemic control. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 100 (2), pp. 235-242.

Conference Proceeding

Saunders AT, Formia A, Maisels F, Boussamba F, Mounguengui GA, Ngouessono S, Mabert BDK & Parnell RJ (2013) Eight years of outreach in coastal Gabon: feeling the sea turtle love. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOAA NMFS-SEFSC-645. Thirty-Third Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 05.02.2013-08.02.2013. Miami, Florida, USA: NOAA Fisheries Service, p. 80.


Little A, DeBruine LM & Jones BC (2013) Environment contingent preferences: Exposure to visual cues of direct male–male competition and wealth increase women's preferences for masculinity in male faces. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34 (3), pp. 193-200.


Izquierdo MS, Scolamacchia M, Betancor M, Roo J, Caballero MJ, Terova G & Witten PE (2013) Effects of dietary DHA and α-tocopherol on bone development, early mineralisation and oxidative stress in Sparus aurata (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. British Journal of Nutrition, 109 (10), pp. 1796-1805.

Meeting Abstract

Newlands R, Haseen F, Craig LCA, Avenell A, Hoddinott P, Heys SD & McNeill G (2013) Interventions to promote weight loss in women treated for breast cancer: A systematic review (Poster). 20th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2013), Liverpool, 12/05/2013 - 15/05/2013. Obesity Facts, 6 (Supplement 1), p. T1:P.149.;


Fotopoulou M (2013) Families and Drug Use in Greece (Presentation) 14th National Conference of Psychological Research, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 15.05.2013-19.05.2013.


Cottrell S & Donaldson J (2013) Exploring the opinions of registered nurses working in a clinical transfusion environment on the contribution of e-learning to personal learning and clinical practice: Results of a small scale educational research study. Nurse Education in Practice, 13 (3), pp. 221-227.

Conference Proceeding

Mackinnon A, Kittler M & Seitz J (2013) The Evolution of Values: Introducing an IT/IS Strategic Perspective on Cultural Factors. In: WHICEB 2013 Proceedings. WHICEB 2013 Proceedings. WHICEB 2013: The Twelfth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, China, 25.05.2013-26.05.2013. Association for Information Systems.


Drew S, Waldron S, Gilvear D, Grieve I, Armstrong A, Bragg O, Brewis F, Cooper M, Dargie T, Duncan C, Harris L, Wilson L, McIver C, Padfield R & Shah N (2013) The price of knowledge in the knowledge economy: Should development of peatland in the UK support a research levy?. Land Use Policy, 32, pp. 50-60.

Research Report

Snellgrove M (2013) Researching Camphill: Past, Present & Future. Camphill Research Network. Glenmoore, PA, USA.


Sauzon V (2013) Un transgenre grammatical ? La tension linguistique dans "Les Adolescents troglodytes" d’Emmanuelle Pagano [A grammatical transgender?: The linguistic tension in Les Adolescents troglodytes by Emmanuelle Pagano]. Esprit Createur, 53 (1), pp. 74-86.;

Conference Proceeding

Lucas S (2013) Children that interpret: a small tragedy in a larger social work space?. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2013: Engaging Sociology Conference Programme and Abstract Book. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, London, 03.04.2013-05.04.2013. Durham: British Sociological Association, p. 95.

Website Content

Haynes R (2013) Glasgow’s heritage in sports media. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 30.04.2013.

Book Chapter

Williamson EA & Richardson M (2013) Eastern Gorilla Gorilla beringei. In: Mittermeier R, Rylands A & Wilson D (eds.) Handbook of the Mammals of the World Volume 3: Primates. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, p. 849–850.

Book Chapter

Bond JM, Dockrill SJ, Outram Z, Batey CE, Summers JR, Friel R, Brown L, Brown LD, Campbell E, Cussans JE, Cook G, Legg RJ, Marshall WA, McDonnell J & Simpson I (2013) Excavations at Hamar and Underhoull. In: Turner V, Bond J & Larsen A (eds.) Viking Unst: Excavation and Survey in Northern Shetland 2006-2010. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publication, pp. 123-179.

Book Chapter

Zelli F, Pattberg P, Stephan H & van Asselt H (2013) Global Climate Governance and Energy Choices. In: Goldthau A (ed.) Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 340-357.,descCd-description.html


Fridman S, Rana K & Bron J (2013) Confocal scanning laser microscopy with complementary 3D image analysis allows quantitative studies of functional state of ionoregulatory cells in the nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) following salinity challenge. Microscopy Research and Technique, 76 (4), pp. 412-418.

Book Chapter

Wilson S (2013) Thinking about sociological work on personal and family life in the light of research on young people's experience of parental substance misuse. In: Ribbens MJ, Hooper C & Gillies V (eds.) Family Troubles?: Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 163-172.

Book Chapter

Larsen A, Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen MD, Batt C, Bond JM, Brown LD, Edwards KJ, Hamlet L, McDonnell G, MacLeod-Rivers M, Outram Z, Schofield JE, Summers JR, Simpson I, Steele VG & Turner V (2013) The excavation at Belmont, Wadbister, Unst, Shetland. In: Turner V, Bond J & Larsen A (eds.) Viking Unst: Excavation and Survey in Northern Shetland 2006-2010. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publication, pp. 181-216.


Jabbour ABLdS, Filho AGA, Viana ABN & Jabbour CJC (2013) Práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos e seus eventuais relacionamentos com as prioridades competitivas da produção: Evidências empíricas do setor eletroeletrônico à luz de modelagem de equações estruturais [Supply chain management practices and their possible relationships with manufacturing competitive priorities: Empirical evidence from electro-electronic industry in light of structural equation modeling ST]. Production/Revista Producao, 23 (2), pp. 241-256.

Conference Proceeding

Karhu K, Auffret M, Dungait J, Fraser F, Hopkins D, Prosser J, Singh B, Subke J, Wookey P, Agren G & Hartley I (2013) Microbial adaptation to temperature increases the vulnerability of carbon stocks in Arctic and Boreal soils to climate change. In: EGU General Assembly 2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07.04.2013-12.04.2013. Munich, Germany: European Geosciences Union, pp. EGU2013-2624.

Book Chapter

Williamson EA, Maisels F, Groves C, Fruth B, Humle T, Morton FB, Richardson M, Russon A & Singleton I (2013) Family Hominidae (Great Apes). In: Mittermeier R, Rylands A & Wilson D (eds.) Handbook of the Mammals of the World Volume 3: Primates. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, p. 792–843.