Collaboration with Lancaster University, The James Hutton Institute, University of Aberdeen, University of Exeter, University of Glasgow and University of Leeds.
The aim of this project is to deliver innovative solutions to key societal challenges in China, as identified during the first phase of investment in the UK-China Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs). Five Chinese CZOs were established in 2016, and have been generating new science and data 2016-2018. This second phase of funding will capitalise on the key science findings from this joint NERC-NSFC investment, with threads drawn across CZOs to show cohesiveness in topics tackled, but also what the differences are that required investment in multiple CZOs. Each of the five CZO projects will contribute a workpackage to this Phase II investment, which will focus on the delivery of decision support.
Naylor LA, Dungait JAJ, Zheng Y, Buckerfield S, Green SM, Oliver DM, Liu H, Peng J, Tu C & Zhang G (2023) Achieving Sustainable Earth Futures in the Anthropocene by Including Local Communities in Critical Zone Science. Earth's Future, 11 (9).
Naylor LA, Zheng Y, Munro N, Stanton A, Wang W, Chng NR, Oliver DM, Dungait JAJ & Waldron S (2023) Bringing Social Science Into Critical Zone Science: Exploring Smallholder Farmers' Learning Preferences in Chinese Human‐Modified Critical Zones. Earth's Future, 11 (9).