Factors influencing public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland including legal and structural differences: comparative interview analysis
Fitzgerald N, Mohan A, Purves R, O’Donnell R, Egan M, Nicholls J, Maani N, Smolar M, Fraser A, Briton T & Mahon L (2024) Factors influencing public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland including legal and structural differences: comparative interview analysis. Public Health Research.
Public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland: the ExILEnS mixed-method, natural experiment evaluation
Fitzgerald N, Egan M, O’Donnell R, Nicholls J, Mahon L, de Vocht F, McQuire C, Angus C, Purves R, Henney M, Mohan A, Maani N, Shortt N & Bauld L (2024) Public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland: the ExILEnS mixed-method, natural experiment evaluation. Public Health Research.
Mechanisms of impact of alcohol availability interventions from the perspective of 63 diverse alcohol licensing stakeholders: a qualitative interview study
O'Donnell R, Mohan A, Purves R, Maani N, Angus C, Egan M & Fitzgerald N (2023) Mechanisms of impact of alcohol availability interventions from the perspective of 63 diverse alcohol licensing stakeholders: a qualitative interview study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.
Measuring How Public Health Stakeholders Seek to Influence Alcohol Premises Licensing in England and Scotland: The Public Health Engagement In Alcohol Licensing (PHIAL) Measure
Fitzgerald N, Mohan A, Maani N, Purves R, De Vocht F, Angus C, Henney M, Nicholls J, Nichols T, Crompton G, Mahon L, Mcquire C, Shortt N, Bauld L & Egan M (2023) Measuring How Public Health Stakeholders Seek to Influence Alcohol Premises Licensing in England and Scotland: The Public Health Engagement In Alcohol Licensing (PHIAL) Measure. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84 (2), pp. 318-329.
Impact of public health team engagement in alcohol licensing on health and crime outcomes in England and Scotland: A comparative timeseries study between 2012 and 2019
de Vocht F, McQuire C, Ferraro C, Williams P, Henney M, Angus C, Egan M, Mohan A, Purves R, Maani N, Shortt N, Mahon L, Crompton G, O'Donnell R, Nicholls J, Bauld L & Fitzgerald N (2022) Impact of public health team engagement in alcohol licensing on health and crime outcomes in England and Scotland: A comparative timeseries study between 2012 and 2019. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 20, Art. No.: 100450.
How public health teams navigate their different roles in alcohol premises licensing: ExILEnS multistakeholder interview findings
O’Donnell R, Mohan A, Purves R, Maani N, Egan M & Fitzgerald N (2022) How public health teams navigate their different roles in alcohol premises licensing: ExILEnS multistakeholder interview findings. Public Health Research.
Lockdown and licensed premises: COVID-19 lessons for alcohol policy
Fitzgerald N, Manca F, Uny I, Martin JG, O'Donnell R, Ford A, Begley A, Stead M & Lewsey J (2022) Lockdown and licensed premises: COVID-19 lessons for alcohol policy. Drug and Alcohol Review, 41 (3), pp. 533-545.
Exploring the impact of public health teams on alcohol premises licensing in England and Scotland (ExILEnS): procotol for a mixed methods natural experiment evaluation
Fitzgerald N, Egan M, de Vocht F, Angus C, Nicholls J, Shortt N, Nichols T, Maani Hessari N, McQuire C, Purves R, Critchlow N, Mohan A, Mahon L, Sumpter C & Bauld L (2018) Exploring the impact of public health teams on alcohol premises licensing in England and Scotland (ExILEnS): procotol for a mixed methods natural experiment evaluation. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18 (1), Art. No.: 123.