Bringing Social Science Into Critical Zone Science: Exploring Smallholder Farmers' Learning Preferences in Chinese Human‐Modified Critical Zones
Naylor LA, Zheng Y, Munro N, Stanton A, Wang W, Chng NR, Oliver DM, Dungait JAJ & Waldron S (2023) Bringing Social Science Into Critical Zone Science: Exploring Smallholder Farmers' Learning Preferences in Chinese Human‐Modified Critical Zones. Earth's Future, 11 (9).
Rainfall and conduit drainage combine to accelerate nitrate loss from a karst agroecosystem: insights from stable isotope tracing and high-frequency nitrate sensing
Yue F, Li S, Waldron S, Wang Z, Oliver DM, Chen X & Liu C (2020) Rainfall and conduit drainage combine to accelerate nitrate loss from a karst agroecosystem: insights from stable isotope tracing and high-frequency nitrate sensing. Water Research, 186, Art. No.: 116388.
Land use interacts with changes in catchment hydrology to generate chronic nitrate pollution in karst waters and strong seasonality in excess nitrate export
Yue F, Waldron S, Li S, Wang Z, Zeng J, Xu S, Zhang Z & Oliver DM (2019) Land use interacts with changes in catchment hydrology to generate chronic nitrate pollution in karst waters and strong seasonality in excess nitrate export. Virgílio Cruz J (Editor) Science of The Total Environment, 696, Art. No.: 134062.
Knowledge management across the environment-policy interface in China: What knowledge is exchanged, why, and how is this undertaken?
Zheng Y, Naylor LA, Waldron S & Oliver DM (2019) Knowledge management across the environment-policy interface in China: What knowledge is exchanged, why, and how is this undertaken?. Environmental Science & Policy, 92, pp. 66-75.