
Health and welfare of lumpfish in hatchery production and deployed in Scottish salmon cages

Funded by Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre.

Collaboration with Ardtoe Marine Laboratory, Bakkafrost Scotland Limited (formerly Scottish Salmon Company), Cooke Aquaculture Scotland, Fish Vet Group, Grieg Seafood Hjaltland Ltd, NAFC Marine Centre and Scottish Sea Farms Ltd.

Total award value £98,533.00

People (2)

Professor Sonia Rey Planellas

Professor Sonia Rey Planellas

Professor, Aquaculture

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor & Head of Inst of Aquaculture, Institute of Aquaculture

Outputs (5)


Rey Planellas S (2019) The welfare of lumpfish., Stirling, 27.05.2019-27.05.2019.

Research centres/groups