
The Role of the Public Library in Combating Misinformation and Disinformation: a Review

Funded by Arts Council England.

Collaboration with University of Glasgow.

This project will undertake a review of the role of public libraries in England in addressing the growing issue of misinformation and disinformation in UK society. The project will be undertaken in collaboration with the University of Glasgow.

The project will advance understanding of the community-based role of public libraries in effectively combating misinformation and disinformation with particular attention to professional perspectives, experiences, collaborations, and challenges. The work will evidence and draw further attention to an important societal role, and importantly, contribute to our understanding of how public libraries can be effectively utilised going forward to combat disruptive misinformation and disinformation in UK society.

Total award value £33,312.58

People (1)

Professor Steven Buchanan

Professor Steven Buchanan

Professor in Comms., Media and Culture, Communications, Media and Culture