
Wage and Employment Dynamics - Phase 2 - WED2

Funded by Economic and Social Research Council.

Collaboration with University of the West of England.

Wage and Employment Dynamics (WED) is a major administrative data linkage and research project that aims to significantly extend the resources for labour markets research and policy making in the UK.

Researchers from University of Stirling, University of the West of England, University College London and City University of London, work closely with key stakeholders in government and elsewhere, such as Office for National Statistics, HMRC, Low Pay Commission, Bank of England, and Resolution Foundation.

The datasets produced by the team are accessible through the ONS Secure Research Service, and the team has produced several research papers, as well as methodology papers on administrative data research for the UK (see project website:

The latest round of funding for Phase 2 secured in 2024 is to link the Census 2021 with the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings longitudinal employer-employee linked payroll data.

Total award value £13,479.27

People (1)

Dr Carl Singleton

Dr Carl Singleton

Senior Lecturer in Economics, Economics