Public Services and Governance

Outputs related to Public Services and Governance

Showing 101 to 175 of 175

Newspaper / Magazine

Bugler T (2018) Life renting puts young under stress. McKee K (Researcher) & Soaita AM (Researcher) The Times. 31.08.2018.

Project Report

McKee K & Soaita AM (2018) The 'frustrated' housing aspirations of generation rent. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence Research Report, R2018_06_01. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.

Website Content

McKee K & Leahy S (2018) BLOG: HSA Sponsored Event - the Immigration Act and Public Services. HSA: The Forum for Housing-Related Research and Debate (HSA News) [Blog post] 04.07.2018.

Research Report

Graham E, Fiori F & McKee K (2017) Household Changes and Housing Provision (invitee chapter). National Records for Scotland. Edinburgh.

Edited Book

Bevir M, McKee K & Matthews P (eds.) (2017) Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation. Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy. New York and London: Routledge.

Preprint / Working Paper

Hoolachan J, McKee K & Moore T (2016) CHR Briefing 4 - Housing Young People in Rural Areas. Centre for Housing Research. CHR Briefings, 4. St Andrews.

Preprint / Working Paper

McKee K, Moore T & Crawford J (2015) CHR Briefing 3: Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland. Scottish Government. University of St Andrews.


McKee K (2015) Mind the Housing Wealth Gap WS4: summary research design. Leverhulme. University of St Andrews.

Research Report

McKee K & Hoolachan J (2015) Housing 'Generation Rent'. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. CHR Briefing, 2. St Andrews.

Policy Document

Soaita AM & McKee K (2015) Young people: tenure choices and welfare - summary findings. Leverhulme. St Andrews.

Policy Document

McKee K & Hoolachan J (2015) CHR Briefing 2: Housing 'Generation Rent'. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. St Andrews.


Moore T & McKee K (2014) The Ownership of Assets by Place-based Community Organisations: political rationales, geographies of social impact and future research agendas. Social Policy and Society, 13 (4), pp. 1-13.;

Preprint / Working Paper

Moore T & McKee K (2014) Briefing 2: Localism and New Housing Futures. ESRC. St Andrews.

Book Chapter

McKee K (2012) Foucauldian Analysis. In: Smith SJ (ed.) International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Consultancy Report

McKee K (2011) Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations' Response to the Scottish Government's Regeneration Discussion Document: Building a Sustainable Future. Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations. Glasgow: Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum.

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Walker N (1999) Introduction. In: Legal Framework of the Single European Currency. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 1-3.

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Walker N (1999) The Euro and European Legal Order. In: Legal Framework of the Single European Currency. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 169-194.