Teaching Assistant, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Lecturer in Mathematics, Computing Science
Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Law and Philosophy - Division
Lecturer, Communications, Media and Culture
Lecturer in Data Science, Computing Science
TUTOR, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Tutor (online), Management, Work and Organisation
Assoc. Prof. in Artificial Intelligence, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Teaching Assistant, Law and Philosophy - Division
Senior Lecturer, Politics
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture
Research Assistant, Computing Science
Business Support Officer, Dementia Services Development Centre
PhD Researcher, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Lect in Artificial Intelligence/Data Sci, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Lecturer, Management, Work and Organisation
Lecturer, Management, Work and Organisation
Teaching Assistant, Management, Work and Organisation
Professor, Institute of Aquaculture
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
PhD Researcher, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing
LECTURER IN AQUALCULTURE, Institute of Aquaculture
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science
Lecturer in A.I/Data Science, Computing Science
Dr Muna Saif Abdullah Al-Kalbani
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science
Professor in Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Education
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science
Professor in Accounting, Accounting & Finance
Mr Pedro Miguel Mestre Alves da Silva
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Senior Lecturer in Law, Law
Senior Lecturer, Economics
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
PhD Researcher, Sport
Lecturer, Education
Teaching Assistant, Management, Work and Organisation
PhD Researcher, Education
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Lecturer in Accounting & Finance, Accounting & Finance
Professor in Marketing, Marketing & Retail
PhD Researcher, Education
Research Officer, Institute for Social Marketing
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Professor in Marketing, Marketing & Retail
Tutor, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Teaching Assistant, Education
SL in Strategy & Strategic Management, Management, Work and Organisation
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Teaching Assistant, Communications, Media and Culture
Lecturer in Nursing, Health Sciences Stirling
Lecturer in Heritage, History
Tutor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Philosophy
Teaching Assistant, Communications, Media and Culture
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Politics
PhD Researcher, Literature and Languages - Division
Lecturer in Digital Media, Communications, Media and Culture
Teaching Assistant, Health Sciences Stirling
Teaching Assistant, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Study Skills Tutor, Literature and Languages - Division
Knowledge Transfer Associate, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Management, Management, Work and Organisation
Tutor, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Senior Lecturer, Spanish
Research Assistant, Economics
Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation
Teaching Assistant, Education
Senior Clinical Skills Tutor, Health Sciences Stirling
Professional Practioner, Education
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computing Science
PhD Researcher, Education
Professor Leonidas Barbopoulos
Teaching Assistant, Management, Work and Organisation
Senior Lecturer, French
Honorary Research Fellow, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Tutor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Law and Philosophy - Division
PhD Researcher, Health Sciences Stirling
PhD Researcher, Education
PhD Researcher, Education
Senior Lecturer, Politics
Teaching Assistant, Administration
Lecturer In Nursing, Health Sciences Stirling
Lecturer, Health Sciences (Highland & W.Isles)
Professor of Private International Law, Law
Earth Observation Scientist, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Social Work
Professional Practitioner, Psychology
Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture
Lecturer in Substance Use, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture
Tutor, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division