Cultural Heritage

Projects related to Cultural Heritage

Showing 36 projects:

The Francis Bacon Project
PI: Dr Angus Vine
Funded by: The British Academy

Waste/Land/Futures: intergenerational relations in places of abandonment and renewal across Europe.
PI: Dr Melanie Lovatt
Funded by: Volkswagen Stiftung

Social values of NTS heritage places: towards an organisational approach
PI: Professor Sian Jones
Funded by: The National Trust for Scotland

Destructive Exploitation of Cultural Objects and Professional/Public Education for sustainable heritage management
PI: Professor Sian Jones
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Teaching, Learning and Play in the Outdoors 2020 (TLPO) - A Scottish Cross-sectional Sequential Survey
PI: Professor Gregory Mannion
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

Materialising the Cold War
PI: Professor Holger Nehring
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

GOALDen Memories
PI: Professor Richard Haynes
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Living out the past: Medievalised Self-Fashioning and Postcolonial Memory in Colombia and Argentina
PI: Dr Rebecca De Souza
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Living Archives in Residential Child Care: using the past to inform the future
PI: Professor Ruth Emond
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Early Christian Churches and Landscapes (ECCLES): Co-creating a public digital resource
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

An archaeological investigation into the collapse of Polonnaruva, Sri Lanka
Funded by: Australian Research Council

The Memory of John Paul Jones in Anglo-American Relations, c. 1900s-c. 1990s.
PI: Dr Stephen Bowman
Funded by: The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Dunfermline Abbey Choir Radar Surveying, stage IV
PI: Professor Michael Penman
Funded by: The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage (NIKU) Visiting Research Fellowship
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

Landscape and Waterscapes in Asia. Monsoon, Climate Anomalies and Social Dynamics in Medieval India
Funded by: The Agence Nationale de la Recherche / French National Research Agency (ANR)

Mercantile Humanism: Knowledge-Making in Early Modern England, 1560-1660
PI: Dr Angus Vine
Funded by: The British Academy

Curating Sustainable URBAn Transformations through HERItage
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Measuring medieval users' responses to manuscripts: new technological responses
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Informal histories. Bottom-up practices for dealing with conflict-produced heritage in Lebanon and Syria as new democratic spaces
PI: Professor Nina Parish
Funded by: The British Academy

Fae Raploch to Elland Road: Remembering Billy Bremner
PI: Professor Richard Haynes
Funded by: Heritage Lottery Fund

Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage (NIKU) Visiting Research Fellowship
PI: Professor Sian Jones
Funded by: Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research

The Media of Mediumship: Encountering the Material Culture of Modern Occultism in Britain's Science, Technology and Magic Collections
PI: Professor Christine Ferguson
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Co-Producing Tolerant Futures through Ancient Identities
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive: 1930s Britain and Beyond
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Scottish Magazines Network: New Research Directions and Partnerships
PI: Dr Scott Hames
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Global practices in teaching English to young learners: 10 years on
Funded by: The British Council

Dating, construction and function of cultivation terraces at Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh
PI: Dr Clare Wilson
Funded by: The British Academy

My Life as a Replica: St John's Cross, Iona
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: Historic Environment Scotland and Iona Cathedral Trust

100 years of radical Adult Education in Scotland: building hope for the future
PI: Dr Sarah Galloway
Funded by: Lipman Miliband Trust

De-localising Dialect
PI: Dr Scott Hames
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Iron Age and Roman Heritage: Exploring ancient identities in modern Britain
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Concrete and non-concrete: an ethnographic study of the contemporary value and authenticity of historic replicas
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: Historic Environment Scotland

Concrete and non-concrete: an ethnographic study of the contemporary value and authenticity of historic replicas
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: The Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Biography of a National Collection: the Acquisition of Casts of Sculpture by the National Museum of Scotland
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: The Henry Moore Foundation

Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland - workshop
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: Historic Environment Scotland and The Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Biography of a National Collection: the Acquisition of Casts of Sculpture by the National Museum of Scotland
PI: Professor Sally Foster
Funded by: The Henry Moore Foundation