Impact of exposure to opioids in pregnancy on offspring developmental outcomes in the pre-school years: an Umbrella Review.
Robertson S, Hughes T, Boardman J, McFadden A, Whittaker A & Marryat L (2025) Impact of exposure to opioids in pregnancy on offspring developmental outcomes in the pre-school years: an Umbrella Review.. BMJ Paediatrics Open.
Looking beyond the neonatal: what does administrative data tell us about the preschool health and developmental outcomes of children exposed to opioids in utero?
Marryat L, Robertson-Albertyn S, Boardman JP, McFadden A & Whittaker A (2024) Looking beyond the neonatal: what does administrative data tell us about the preschool health and developmental outcomes of children exposed to opioids in utero?. In: volume 9. International Population Data Linkage Network Conference 2024, Chicago, USA, 15.09.2024-18.09.2024. Swansea University.
Antenatal care of women who use opioids: a qualitative study of practitioners’ perceptions of strengths and challenges of current service provision in Scotland
Hughes T, McFadden A, Whittaker A, Boardman JP & Marryat L (2024) Antenatal care of women who use opioids: a qualitative study of practitioners’ perceptions of strengths and challenges of current service provision in Scotland. Whittaker A (Researcher) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24 (1), Art. No.: 75.;
The role of UK alcohol and drug (AOD) nurses in a changing workforce
Thom B, Annand F, Clancy C, Whittaker A & Janiszewska I (2023) The role of UK alcohol and drug (AOD) nurses in a changing workforce. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.
A qualitative systematic review of mental health among haemodialysis patients
Janiszewska I & Whittaker A (2023) A qualitative systematic review of mental health among haemodialysis patients. Journal of Kidney Care, 8 (5), pp. 217-226.
The impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing on people with experience of homelessness: Qualitative study
Emslie C, Dimova E, O'Brien R, Whiteford M, Johnsen S, Rush R, Smith ID, Stockwell T, Whittaker A & Elliott L (2023) The impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing on people with experience of homelessness: Qualitative study. International Journal of Drug Policy, 118, Art. No.: 104095.
Accounts of women identified as drinking at ‘high risk’ during pregnancy: A meta-ethnography of missing voices
Taylor A, Whittaker A, Chandler A & Carnegie E (2023) Accounts of women identified as drinking at ‘high risk’ during pregnancy: A meta-ethnography of missing voices. International Journal of Drug Policy, 117, Art. No.: 104061.
Alcohol minimum unit pricing and people experiencing homelessness: A qualitative study of stakeholders' perspectives and experiences
Dimova ED, Strachan H, Johnsen S, Emslie C, Whiteford M, Rush R, Smith I, Stockwell T, Whittaker A & Elliott L (2023) Alcohol minimum unit pricing and people experiencing homelessness: A qualitative study of stakeholders' perspectives and experiences. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42 (1), pp. 81-93.
Research Report
Minimum Unit Pricing: Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Homeless Drinkers, Street Drinkers and Service Providers
Elliott L, Emslie C, Dimova E, Whiteford M, O’Brien R, Strachan H, Johnsen S, Rush R, Smith I, Stockwell T & Whittaker A (2022) Minimum Unit Pricing: Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Homeless Drinkers, Street Drinkers and Service Providers. Chief Scientist Office. Research Project Briefing. Edinburgh.
Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder in adults with a history of adverse childhood experiences: A systematic review of psychological interventions
Molina G & Whittaker A (2022) Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder in adults with a history of adverse childhood experiences: A systematic review of psychological interventions. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 2, Art. No.: 100028.
The Parents under Pressure parenting programme for families with fathers receiving treatment for opioid dependency: the PuP4Dads feasibility study
Whittaker A, Elliott L, Taylor J, Dawe S, Harnett P, Stoddart A, Littlewood P, Robertson R, Farquharson B & Strachan H (2022) The Parents under Pressure parenting programme for families with fathers receiving treatment for opioid dependency: the PuP4Dads feasibility study. Public Health Research, 10 (3), pp. 1-153.
Factors influencing routine cognitive impairment screening in older at-risk drinkers: Findings from a qualitative study in the United Kingdom
Wilson F, Adnum L, Whittaker A, Elliott L, Wadd S, Madoc-Jones I, McCAnn M, Dutton M, Seddon J & Close C (2021) Factors influencing routine cognitive impairment screening in older at-risk drinkers: Findings from a qualitative study in the United Kingdom. Health and Social Care in the Community, 29 (2), pp. 344-352.
Governing Parental Drug Use in the UK: What's Hidden in "Hidden Harm?"
Whittaker A, Martin F, Olsen A & Wincup E (2020) Governing Parental Drug Use in the UK: What's Hidden in "Hidden Harm?". Contemporary Drug Problems, 47 (3), pp. 170-187.
Diagnosing uncertainty, producing neonatal abstinence syndrome
Chandler A, Whittaker A, Cunningham-Burley S, Elliott L, Midgley P & Cooper S (2020) Diagnosing uncertainty, producing neonatal abstinence syndrome. Sociology of Health and Illness, 42 (S1), pp. 35-50.
A review of the challenges, glycaemic risks and self-care for people with type 1 diabetes when consuming alcoholic beverages
Charlton J, Gill J, Elliott L, Whittaker A, Farquharson B & Strachan M (2020) A review of the challenges, glycaemic risks and self-care for people with type 1 diabetes when consuming alcoholic beverages. Practical Diabetes, 37 (1), pp. 7-12c.
Conference Paper (published)
Developing a new cohort of children born to women who used opioids in pregnancy using administrative data: insights into cohort creation and early results
Marryat L, Wood R, Whittaker A, Frank J & Boardman J (2019) Developing a new cohort of children born to women who used opioids in pregnancy using administrative data: insights into cohort creation and early results. In: volume 4. 4th International Conference on Administrative Data Research, Cardiff, Wales, 09.12.2019-11.12.2019. Swansea University.
Problematisation and regulation: Bodies, risk, and recovery within the context of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Whittaker A, Chandler A, Cunningham-Burley S, Midgley P, Elliott L & Cooper S (2019) Problematisation and regulation: Bodies, risk, and recovery within the context of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. International Journal on Drug Policy, 68, pp. 139-146.
Parents and substance use. Editorial essay, special themed collection
Radcliffe P, Chandler A, Martin F & Whittaker A (2019) Parents and substance use. Editorial essay, special themed collection. International Journal of Drug Policy, 68, pp. 97-100.
Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to Analyze Young Women’s Constructions of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
Brunton CG, Todorova I, Petrova D, Carnegie E & Whittaker A (2018) Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to Analyze Young Women’s Constructions of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine. In: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Hepatitis C in a new therapeutic era: Recontextualising the lived experience
Whiteley D, Whittaker A, Elliott L & Cunningham-Burley S (2018) Hepatitis C in a new therapeutic era: Recontextualising the lived experience. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27 (13-14), pp. 2729-2739.
"If she wants to eat…and eat and eat…fine! It's gonna feed the baby": Pregnant women and partners' perceptions and experiences of pregnancy with a BMI >40 kg/m 2
Keely A, Cunningham-Burley S, Elliott L, Sandall J & Whittaker A (2017) "If she wants to eat…and eat and eat…fine! It's gonna feed the baby": Pregnant women and partners' perceptions and experiences of pregnancy with a BMI >40 kg/m 2. Midwifery, 49, pp. 87-94.
Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland
Carnegie E, Whittaker A, Gray Brunton C, Hogg R, Kennedy C, Hilton S, Harding S, Pollock KG & Pow J (2017) Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland. Health Education Journal, 76 (4), pp. 398-410.
The families and friends of heavy drinkers: Caught in the cross-fire of policy change?
O'May F, Whittaker A, Black H & Gill J (2017) The families and friends of heavy drinkers: Caught in the cross-fire of policy change?. Drug and Alcohol Review, 36 (2), pp. 192-199.
The lived experience of interferon-free treatments for hepatitis C: A thematic analysis
Whiteley D, Whittaker A, Elliott L & Cunningham-Burley S (2016) The lived experience of interferon-free treatments for hepatitis C: A thematic analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy, 38, pp. 21-28.
Conference Abstract
Young men with intellectual disabilities’ constructions of the human papillomavirus and vaccine
Carnegie E, Whittaker A, Gray Brunton C, Harding S, Hilton S, Hogg R, Kennedy C, Pollock K, Pow J & Willis D (2016) Young men with intellectual disabilities’ constructions of the human papillomavirus and vaccine. 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna. European Journal of Public Health, 26 (Supplement 1).
Conference Abstract
Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme
Carnegie E, Whittaker A, Gray Brunton C, Hanif N, Harding S, Hilton S, Hogg R, Kennedy C, Pollock K & Pow J (2016) Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme. 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna. European Journal of Public Health, 26 (Supplement 1).
Conference Abstract
Stigma and low levels of knowledge about alcohol in older adults in the United Kingdom 2015
Wadd S, Madoc-Jones I, Elliott L, Donnelly M & Whittaker A (2016) Stigma and low levels of knowledge about alcohol in older adults in the United Kingdom 2015. 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna. European Journal of Public Health, 26 (Supplement 1).
The burden of care: a focus group study of healthcare practitioners in Scotland talking about parental drug misuse
Whittaker A, Williams N, Chandler A, Cunningham-Burley S, McGorm K & Mathews G (2016) The burden of care: a focus group study of healthcare practitioners in Scotland talking about parental drug misuse. Health & Social Care in the Community, 24 (5), pp. e72-e80.
Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy (Critique)
Whittaker A (2015) Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy (Critique). Commentary on: Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy By World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press, 2014 ISBN: 9789241548731, 224 pp. Available free online Drug and Alcohol Review, 34 (3), pp. 340-341.
Mother’s little helper? Contrasting accounts of benzodiazepine and methadone use among drug-dependent parents in the UK
Chandler A, Whittaker A, Williams N, McGorm K, Cunningham-Burley S & Mathews G (2014) Mother’s little helper? Contrasting accounts of benzodiazepine and methadone use among drug-dependent parents in the UK. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 21 (6), pp. 470-475.
Substance, structure and stigma: Parents in the UK accounting for opioid substitution therapy during the antenatal and postnatal periods
Chandler A, Whittaker A, Cunningham-Burley S, Williams N, McGorm K & Mathews G (2013) Substance, structure and stigma: Parents in the UK accounting for opioid substitution therapy during the antenatal and postnatal periods. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24 (6), pp. e35-e42.
Book Chapter
Parental Problem Drug Use
Whittaker A (2009) Parental Problem Drug Use. In: Taylor J & Themessi-Huber M (eds.) Safeguarding children in primary health care. 1st ed. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Changes in opiate treatment during attendance at a community drug service—Findings from a clinical audit
MacLeod J, Whittaker A & Robertson JR (1998) Changes in opiate treatment during attendance at a community drug service—Findings from a clinical audit. Drug and Alcohol Review, 17 (1), pp. 19-25.
Problems of drug abuse, HIV and AIDS: the burden of care in one general practice.
Ronald P, Whitcomb J, Robertson J, Roberts J, Shishodia P & Whittaker A (1992) Problems of drug abuse, HIV and AIDS: the burden of care in one general practice.. British Journal of General Practice.