Exploring the use of solid fuels for cooking and household air pollution in informal settlements through photovoice: The Fuel to Pot study in Ndirande (Malawi) and Mukuru (Kenya)
Uny I, Chasima T, Caes L, Kambalame L, Chamba MVM, Kalumbi L, Orina F, Price H, Lucas S, Nyikuri M, Semple S & Meme H (2024) Exploring the use of solid fuels for cooking and household air pollution in informal settlements through photovoice: The Fuel to Pot study in Ndirande (Malawi) and Mukuru (Kenya). Shrestha SL (Editor) PLOS ONE, 19 (12), Art. No.: e0316095.
Knowledge, beliefs, perceptions and barriers related to implementing smoke-free home practices in two rural settlement areas in Malaysia
Kamni SNA, Saiful Bahron NAN, Zulkifli A, Uny I, O’Donnell R, Suryo Prabandari Y, Suryo Bintoro B, Zainal Abidin E & Semple S (2024) Knowledge, beliefs, perceptions and barriers related to implementing smoke-free home practices in two rural settlement areas in Malaysia. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 10.
Prevalence and determinants of smoke-free homes in 12 European countries: the TackSHS Survey
Tigova O, Stival C, Castellano Y, Lugo A, Fu M, Mar López A, Martínez C, Soriano JB, O'Donnell R, Semple S, López MJ, Fernández E, Gallus S & TackSHS Investigators (2024) Prevalence and determinants of smoke-free homes in 12 European countries: the TackSHS Survey. ERJ Open Research, pp. 00950-2024.
Beyond high-level recommendations and rule books: doing the ‘hard work’ of global health research – lessons and recommendations from an interdisciplinary global partnership
Uny I, Kambalame L, Price H, Caes L, Kalumbi LR, Semple S, Lucas S, Orina F, Chasima T, Chamba MVM & Meme H (2024) Beyond high-level recommendations and rule books: doing the ‘hard work’ of global health research – lessons and recommendations from an interdisciplinary global partnership. BMJ Global Health, 9, Art. No.: e015169.
“Why should care workers be any different from prison workers?” A qualitative study of second-hand smoke exposure during home-care visits and potential measures to eliminate exposure
O’Donnell R, Dobson R & Semple S (2024) “Why should care workers be any different from prison workers?” A qualitative study of second-hand smoke exposure during home-care visits and potential measures to eliminate exposure. Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
Supporting migrant groups to reduce tobacco-related harms and create smoke-free family environments: Future priorities and research gaps
O’Donnell R, Tigova O, Teodorowski P, Villarroel-Williams N, Shevchuk A, Nesterova O, Arabska Y, Ylli A, Qirjako G, Fernández E & Semple S (2024) Supporting migrant groups to reduce tobacco-related harms and create smoke-free family environments: Future priorities and research gaps. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 22 (June).
Household carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in a large African city: An unquantified public health burden?
Orina F, Amukoye E, Bowyer C, Chakaya J, Das D, Devereux G, Dobson R, Dragosits U, Gray C, Kiplimo R, Lesosky M, Loh M, Meme H, Price H & Semple S (2024) Household carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in a large African city: An unquantified public health burden?. Environmental Pollution, 351, Art. No.: 124054.
Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location
Scott NJ, Murray RL, Barker AB, Critchlow N, Best C & Semple S (2024) Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy.
Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health
McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Gillespie C, Braban C & Price HD (2024) Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
“I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma
McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Braban CF, Gillespie C & Price HD (2024) “I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma. Health & Place, 85, Art. No.: 103150.
Personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and self-reported asthma-related health
McCarron A, Semple S, Braban CF, Gillespie C, Swanson V & Price HD (2023) Personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and self-reported asthma-related health. Social Science & Medicine, 337, Art. No.: 116293.
The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi
Uny I, Chamba M, Chasima T, Caes L, Kalumbi L, Orina F, Kambalame L, Semple S, Price H, Lucas S & Meme H (2023) The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi., Edinburgh, 13.11.2023.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution
Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S & Semple S (2023) OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, Newcastle University, 06.09.2023-08.09.2023.;
OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution
Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S & Semple S (2023) OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, 06.09.2023.
Exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke in private vehicles: Measurements in air and dust samples
Continente X, Henderson E, López-González L, Fernández E, Tigova O, Semple S, O'Donnell R, Navas-Acién A, Cortés-Francisco N, Ramírez N, Dobson R & López MJ (2023) Exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke in private vehicles: Measurements in air and dust samples. Environmental Research, Art. No.: 116681.
Asthma symptoms, spirometry and air pollution exposure in schoolchildren in an informal settlement and an affluent area of Nairobi, Kenya
Meme H, Amukoye E, Bowyer C, Chakaya J, Das D, Dobson R, Dragosits U, Fuld J, Gray C, Hahn M, Kiplimo R, Lesosky M, Loh MM, Price H & Semple S (2023) Asthma symptoms, spirometry and air pollution exposure in schoolchildren in an informal settlement and an affluent area of Nairobi, Kenya. Thorax.
Measurement of airborne nicotine, as a marker of secondhand smoke exposure, in homes with residents who smoke in 9 European countries
Henderson E, Rodriguez Guerrero LA, Continente X, Fernández E, Tigova O, Cortés-Francisco N, Semple S, Dobson R, Tzortzi A, Vyzikidou VK, Gorini G, Geshanova G, Mons U, Przewozniak K & O'Donnell R (2023) Measurement of airborne nicotine, as a marker of secondhand smoke exposure, in homes with residents who smoke in 9 European countries. Environmental Research, 219, Art. No.: 115118.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Preliminary findings from a photovoice study of community members’ choice, experiences and perceptions around fuel use and cooking practices in Mukuru (Kenya) and Ndirande (Malawi)
Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S, Semple S & Orina F (2023) Preliminary findings from a photovoice study of community members’ choice, experiences and perceptions around fuel use and cooking practices in Mukuru (Kenya) and Ndirande (Malawi). The KASH Conference, Nairobi, kenya, 13.02.2023-16.02.2023.
Knowledge, beliefs and behaviours related to second-hand smoke and smoking in the home: a qualitative study with men in Malaysia
Syazmeen R, Latiffah Abd Rani N, Zulkifli A, Hernani Abd Latif N, Dobson R, Ibrahim TA, Semple S, Abidin EZ, Uny I & O’Donnell R (2022) Knowledge, beliefs and behaviours related to second-hand smoke and smoking in the home: a qualitative study with men in Malaysia. Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
Measuring secondhand smoke in homes in Malaysia: A feasibility study comparing indoor fine particulate (PM2.5) concentrations following an educational feedback intervention to create smoke-free homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Zulkifli A, Abd Rani NL, Abdul Mutalib RNS, Dobson R, Engku Ibrahim TA, Abd Latif NH, O’Donnell R, Uny I, Zainal Abidin E & Semple S (2022) Measuring secondhand smoke in homes in Malaysia: A feasibility study comparing indoor fine particulate (PM2.5) concentrations following an educational feedback intervention to create smoke-free homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20, Art. No.: 64.
Underground railway particulate matter and susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
Miyashita L, Shears R, Foley G, Semple S, Kadioglu A & Grigg J (2022) Underground railway particulate matter and susceptibility to pneumococcal infection. eBioMedicine, 80, Art. No.: 104063.
Public engagement with air quality data: using health behaviour change theory to support exposure-minimising behaviours
McCarron A, Semple S, Braban CF, Swanson V, Gillespie C & Price HD (2022) Public engagement with air quality data: using health behaviour change theory to support exposure-minimising behaviours. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
Indoor air pollution and respiratory health in a metropolitan city of Pakistan
Rabbani U, Razzaq S, Irfan M, Semple S & Nafees AA (2022) Indoor air pollution and respiratory health in a metropolitan city of Pakistan. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.
Mosquito Control Workers in Malaysia: Is Lifetime Occupational Pesticide Exposure Associated With Poorer Neurobehavioral Performance?
Yusof MZ, Cherrie JW, Samsuddin N & Semple S (2022) Mosquito Control Workers in Malaysia: Is Lifetime Occupational Pesticide Exposure Associated With Poorer Neurobehavioral Performance?. Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
Smoking behaviours and indoor air quality: a comparative analysis of smoking-permitted versus smoke-free homes in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ferdous T, Siddiqi K, Semple S, Fairhurst C, Dobson R, Mdege N, Marshall A, Abdullah SM & Huque R (2022) Smoking behaviours and indoor air quality: a comparative analysis of smoking-permitted versus smoke-free homes in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tobacco Control, 31 (3), pp. 444-451.
Use of Low-Cost Particle Counters for Cotton Dust Exposure Assessment in Textile Mills in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Nafees AA, Iqbal AR, Cullinan P, Matteis S, Burney P & Semple S (2022) Use of Low-Cost Particle Counters for Cotton Dust Exposure Assessment in Textile Mills in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 66 (4), pp. 537-542.
What helps and what hinders the creation of a smoke-free home: A qualitative study of fathers in Scotland
O’Donnell R, McCulloch P, Greaves L, Semple S & Amos A (2022) What helps and what hinders the creation of a smoke-free home: A qualitative study of fathers in Scotland. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 24 (4), pp. 511-518.
Protecting children from second-hand tobacco smoke: evidence of major progress but a final push is needed in the UK
Semple S, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2022) Protecting children from second-hand tobacco smoke: evidence of major progress but a final push is needed in the UK. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 15, Art. No.: 100348.
Non-smokers' and smokers' support for smoke-free legislation in 14 indoor and outdoor settings across 12 European countries
Nogueira SO, Fu M, Lugo A, Tigova O, Henderson E, López MJ, Clancy L, Semple S, Soriano JB, Fernandez E, Gallus S & the TackSHS Project Investigators (2022) Non-smokers' and smokers' support for smoke-free legislation in 14 indoor and outdoor settings across 12 European countries. Environmental Research, 204 (Part C), Art. No.: 112224.
Smoke-free spaces: a decade of progress, a need for more?
Semple S, Dobson R, O'Donnell R, Zainal Abidin E, Tigova O, Okello G & Fernández E (2022) Smoke-free spaces: a decade of progress, a need for more?. Tobacco Control, 31 (2), pp. 250-256.
Implementation of a national smoke-free prison policy: an economic evaluation within the Tobacco in Prisons (TIPs) study
McMeekin N, Wu O, Boyd K, Brown A, Tweed E, Best C, Craig P, Leyland A, Demou E, Pell J, Byrne T, Semple S, Sweeting H, Graham L & Hunt K (2022) Implementation of a national smoke-free prison policy: an economic evaluation within the Tobacco in Prisons (TIPs) study. Tobacco Control.
Changes in Personal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) during the Spring 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK: Results of a Simulation Model
Dobson R, Eadie D, O’Donnell R, Stead M, Cherrie JW & Semple S (2022) Changes in Personal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) during the Spring 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK: Results of a Simulation Model. Atmosphere, 13 (2), Art. No.: 273.
Process and impact of implementing a smoke-free policy in prisons in Scotland: TIPs mixed-methods study
Hunt K, Brown A, Eadie D, McMeekin N, Boyd K, Bauld L, Conaglen P, Craig P, Demou E, Leyland A, Purves R, Dobson R, Mitchell D, O’Donnell R & Semple S (2022) Process and impact of implementing a smoke-free policy in prisons in Scotland: TIPs mixed-methods study. Public Health Research, 10 (1), pp. 1-137.
Who smokes in Europe? Data from 12 European countries in the TackSHS survey (2017-2018)
Gallus S, Lugo A, Liu X, Behrakis P, Boffi R, Bosetti C, Carreras G, Chatenoud L, Clancy L, Continente X, Dobson R, Effertz T, Filippidis FT, Fu M & Semple S (2021) Who smokes in Europe? Data from 12 European countries in the TackSHS survey (2017-2018). Journal of Epidemiology, 31 (2), pp. 145-151.
Lung function changes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma exposed to secondhand smoke in outdoor areas
Keogan S, Alonso T, Sunday S, Tigova O, Fernández E, López MJ, Gallus S, Semple S, Tzortzi A, Boffi R, Gorini G, López-Nicolás Á, Radu-Loghin C, Soriano JB & Clancy L (2021) Lung function changes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma exposed to secondhand smoke in outdoor areas. Journal of Asthma, 58 (9), pp. 1169-1175.
Adherence to smoke-free policies in Ghana: Findings from a cross-sectional survey of hospitality venue owners and staff
Singh A, Dobbie F, Kinnunen TI, Okello G, Semple S, Okyere PB, Logo DD, Lartey KF, McNeil A, Britton J, Bauld L & Owusu-Dabo E (2021) Adherence to smoke-free policies in Ghana: Findings from a cross-sectional survey of hospitality venue owners and staff. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, 7, Art. No.: 4.
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a community-based smoke-free-home intervention with or without indoor-air-quality feedback in Bangladesh (MCLASS II): a three-arm, cluster-randomised, controlled trial
Mdege ND, Fairhurst C, Wang H, Ferdous T, Marshall A, Hewitt C, Huque R, Jackson C, Kellar I, Parrott S, Semple S, Sheikh A, Wu Q, Al Azdi Z & Siddiqi K (2021) Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a community-based smoke-free-home intervention with or without indoor-air-quality feedback in Bangladesh (MCLASS II): a three-arm, cluster-randomised, controlled trial. Lancet Global Health, 9 (5), pp. E639-E650.
Occupational Exposure to Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke: Development of a Job Exposure Matrix
Dobson R, Demou E & Semple S (2021) Occupational Exposure to Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke: Development of a Job Exposure Matrix. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 65 (9), pp. 1133-1138.
Contamination of Air and Surfaces in Workplaces with SARS-CoV-2 Virus: A Systematic Review
Cherrie JW, Cherrie MPC, Smith A, Holmes D, Semple S, Steinle S, Macdonald E, Moore G & Loh M (2021) Contamination of Air and Surfaces in Workplaces with SARS-CoV-2 Virus: A Systematic Review. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 65 (8), pp. 879-892.
'They only smoke in the house when I'm not in': Understanding the limited effectiveness of a smoke-free homes intervention
O'Donnell R, Amos A, Turner S, Adams L, Henderson T, Lyttle S, Mitchell S & Semple S (2021) 'They only smoke in the house when I'm not in': Understanding the limited effectiveness of a smoke-free homes intervention. Journal of Public Health, 43 (3), pp. 647-654.
Environmental and individual exposure to secondhand aerosol of electronic cigarettes in confined spaces: Results from the TackSHS Project
Amalia B, Fu M, Tigova O, Ballbè M, Castellano Y, Semple S, Clancy L, Vardavas C, López MJ, Cortés N, Pérez-Ortuño R, Pascual JA & Fernández E (2021) Environmental and individual exposure to secondhand aerosol of electronic cigarettes in confined spaces: Results from the TackSHS Project. Indoor Air, 31 (5), pp. 1601-1613.
Secondhand smoke exposure assessment in outdoor hospitality venues across 11 European countries
Henderson E, Continente X, Fernández E, Tigova O, Cortés-Francisco N, Gallus S, Lugo A, Semple S, Dobson R, Clancy L, Keogan S, Ruprecht A, Borgini A, Tzortzi A & O'Donnell R (2021) Secondhand smoke exposure assessment in outdoor hospitality venues across 11 European countries. Environmental Research, 200, Art. No.: 111355.
Associations between smoke-free vehicle legislation and childhood admissions to hospital for asthma in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data
Mackay DF, Turner SW, Semple SE, Dick S & Pell JP (2021) Associations between smoke-free vehicle legislation and childhood admissions to hospital for asthma in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data. Lancet Public Health, 6 (8), pp. E579-E586.
Website Content
Smoke-free homes Innovation Network (SHINE) Charter: Priorities for future collaboration
O'Donnell R, Semple S, Kroll T & Frazer K (2021) Smoke-free homes Innovation Network (SHINE) Charter: Priorities for future collaboration. Tobacco Control Blog [Blog post] 04.08.2021.
Burden of disease from exposure to secondhand smoke in children in Europe
Carreras G, Lachi A, Cortini B, Gallus S, López MJ, López-Nicolás Á, Lugo A, Pastor MT, Soriano JB, Fernandez E, Gorini G, TackSHS Project Investigators, Semple S, O’Donnell R & Dobson R (2021) Burden of disease from exposure to secondhand smoke in children in Europe. Pediatric Research, 90 (1), pp. 216-222.
'I Was Smoking a Lot More during Lockdown Because I Can': A Qualitative Study of How UK Smokers Responded to the Covid-19 Lockdown
O’Donnell R, Eadie D, Stead M, Dobson R & Semple S (2021) 'I Was Smoking a Lot More during Lockdown Because I Can': A Qualitative Study of How UK Smokers Responded to the Covid-19 Lockdown. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11), Art. No.: 5816.
Newspaper / Magazine
Second-hand smoke: when you work in others' homes, where do their rights end and yours begin?
Ruaraidh D & Semple S (2021) Second-hand smoke: when you work in others' homes, where do their rights end and yours begin?. The Conversation. 17.06.2021.
Secondhand smoke exposure in outdoor children's playgrounds in 11 European countries
Henderson E, Continente X, Fernández E, Tigova O, Cortés-Francisco N, Gallus S, Lugo A, Semple S, O'Donnell R, Clancy L, Keogan S, Ruprecht A, Borgini A, Tzortzi A & Vyzikidou VK (2021) Secondhand smoke exposure in outdoor children's playgrounds in 11 European countries. Environment International, 149, Art. No.: 105775.
Burden of disease from second-hand tobacco smoke exposure at home among adults from European Union countries in 2017: an analysis using a review of recent meta-analyses
Carreras G, Lachi A, Cortini B, Gallus S, López MJ, Lopez-Nicolas A, Soriano JB, Fernandez E, Tigova O, Gorini G, Semple S, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2021) Burden of disease from second-hand tobacco smoke exposure at home among adults from European Union countries in 2017: an analysis using a review of recent meta-analyses. Preventive Medicine, 145, Art. No.: 106412.
Particulate matter in aerosols produced by two last generation electronic cigarettes: a comparison in a real-world environment
Borgini A, Veronese C, De Marco C, Boffi R, Tittarelli A, Bertoldi M, Fernández E, Tigova O, Gallus S, Lugo A, Gorini G, Carreras G, Lopez MJ, Semple S & Dobson R (2021) Particulate matter in aerosols produced by two last generation electronic cigarettes: a comparison in a real-world environment. Pulmonology.
Diurnal variability of fine-particulate pollution concentrations: data from 14 low- and middle-income countries
Dobson R, Siddiqi K, Ferdous T, Huque R, Lesosky M, Balmes J & Semple S (2021) Diurnal variability of fine-particulate pollution concentrations: data from 14 low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (3), pp. 206-214.
How widespread is electronic cigarette use in outdoor settings? A field check from the TackSHS project in 11 European countries
Amalia B, Rodríguez A, Henderson E, Fu M, Continente X, Tigova O, Semple S, Clancy L, Gallus S, Fernández E, López MJ & the TackSHS Project Investigators (2021) How widespread is electronic cigarette use in outdoor settings? A field check from the TackSHS project in 11 European countries. Environmental Research, 193, Art. No.: 110571.
Exposure to secondhand aerosol of electronic cigarettes in indoor settings in 12 European countries: data from the TackSHS survey
Amalia B, Liu X, Lugo A, Fu M, Odone A, van den Brandt PA, Semple S, Clancy L, Soriano JB, Fernández E & Gallus S (2021) Exposure to secondhand aerosol of electronic cigarettes in indoor settings in 12 European countries: data from the TackSHS survey. Tobacco Control, 30 (1), pp. 49-56.
Reducing secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmoking pregnant women: a systematic review
Nwosu C, Angus K, Cheeseman H & Semple S (2020) Reducing secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmoking pregnant women: a systematic review. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 22 (12), pp. 2127-2133.
From smoking-permitted to smokefree prisons: a 3-year evaluation of the changes in occupational exposure to second-hand smoke across a national prison system
Demou E, Dobson R, Sweeting H, Brown A, Sidwell S, O'Donnell R, Hunt K & Semple S (2020) From smoking-permitted to smokefree prisons: a 3-year evaluation of the changes in occupational exposure to second-hand smoke across a national prison system. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 64 (9), pp. 959-969.
Changes in outdoor air pollution due to COVID-19 lockdowns differ by pollutant: evidence from Scotland
Dobson R & Semple S (2020) Changes in outdoor air pollution due to COVID-19 lockdowns differ by pollutant: evidence from Scotland. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 77 (11), pp. 798-800.
Secondhand smoke exposure and other signs of tobacco consumption at outdoor entrances of primary schools in 11 European countries
Henderson E, Continente X, Fernández E, Tigova O, Cortés-Francisco N, Gallus S, Lugo A, Semple S, O'Donnell R, Clancy L, Keogan S, Ruprecht A, Borgini A, Tzortzi A & Dobson R (2020) Secondhand smoke exposure and other signs of tobacco consumption at outdoor entrances of primary schools in 11 European countries. Science of the Total Environment, 743, Art. No.: 140743.
Burden of disease from breast cancer attributable to smoking and second-hand smoke exposure in Europe
Carreras G, Lachi A, Boffi R, Clancy L, Gallus S, Fernández E, López MJ, Soriano JB, López Nicolás Á, Semple S, Behrakis P & Gorini G (2020) Burden of disease from breast cancer attributable to smoking and second-hand smoke exposure in Europe. International Journal of Cancer, 147 (9), pp. 2387-2393.
Solid fuel users' perceptions of household solid fuel use in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review
McCarron A, Uny I, Caes L, Lucas S, Semple S, Ardrey J & Price H (2020) Solid fuel users' perceptions of household solid fuel use in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review. Environment International, 143, Art. No.: 105991.
Measuring air quality for advocacy in Africa (MA3): Feasibility and practicality of longitudinal ambient PM2.5 measurement using low-cost sensors
Awokola BI, Okello G, Mortimer KJ, Jewell CP, Erhart A & Semple S (2020) Measuring air quality for advocacy in Africa (MA3): Feasibility and practicality of longitudinal ambient PM2.5 measurement using low-cost sensors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (9), Art. No.: 7243.
Associations between a smoke-free homes intervention and childhood admissions to hospital in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data
Turner S, Mackay D, Dick S, Semple S & Pell JP (2020) Associations between a smoke-free homes intervention and childhood admissions to hospital in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data. Lancet Public Health, 5 (9), pp. e493-e500.
Conference Abstract
Changes in exposure to second-hand smoke following a smoking ban across a national prison system
Demou E, Dobson R, Sweeting H, Brown A, Sidwell S, O'Donnell R, Hunt K & Semple S (2020) Changes in exposure to second-hand smoke following a smoking ban across a national prison system. European Journal of Public Health, 30 (Supplement 5), Art. No.: ckaa165.1316.
Pneumonia and exposure to household air pollution in children under the age of 5 years in rural Malawi findings from the Cooking And Pneumonia Study
Mortimer K, Lesosky M, Semple S, Malava J, Katundu C, Crampin A, Wang D, Weston W, Pope D, Havens D, Gordon SB & Balmes J (2020) Pneumonia and exposure to household air pollution in children under the age of 5 years in rural Malawi findings from the Cooking And Pneumonia Study. Chest, 158 (2), pp. 501-511.
Conference Abstract
OP18 From smoking-permitted to smokefree prisons: a 3-year evaluation of the changes in occupational exposure to second-hand smoke across a national prison system
Semple S, Demou E, Dobson R, Sweeting H, Sidwell S, Brown A, O’Donnell R & Hunt K (2020) OP18 From smoking-permitted to smokefree prisons: a 3-year evaluation of the changes in occupational exposure to second-hand smoke across a national prison system. Society for Social Medicine and Population Health Annual Scientific Meeting 2020, Hosted online by the Society for Social Medicine & Population Health and University of Cambridge Public Health, 9–11 September 2020. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74 (Supplement 1).
Website Content
Smoke-free prisons bring big improvements in air quality for staff and people in custody
Semple S, Dobson R & Hunt K (2020) Smoke-free prisons bring big improvements in air quality for staff and people in custody. University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 05.08.2020.
Measuring for change: A multi-centre pre-post trial of an air quality feedback intervention to promote smoke-free homes
Dobson R, O'Donnell R, Tigova O, Fu M, Enríquez M, Fernandez E, Carreras G, Gorini G, Verdi S, Borgini A, Tittarelli A, Veronese C, Ruprecht A, Vyzikidou V, Tzortzi A, Vardavas C & Semple S (2020) Measuring for change: A multi-centre pre-post trial of an air quality feedback intervention to promote smoke-free homes. Environment International, 140, Art. No.: 105738.
Covid-19: Protecting Worker Health
Semple S & Cherrie JW (2020) Covid-19: Protecting Worker Health. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 64 (5), pp. 461-464.
Exposure to secondhand smoke in hospitality settings in Ghana: Evidence of changes since implementation of smoke-free legislation
Singh A, Okello G, Semple S, Dobbie F, Kinnunen TI, Lartey KF, Logo DD, Bauld L, Ankrah ST, McNeill A & Owusu-Dabo E (2020) Exposure to secondhand smoke in hospitality settings in Ghana: Evidence of changes since implementation of smoke-free legislation. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 18, Art. No.: 44.
The impact of implementation of a national smoke-free prisons policy on indoor air quality: results from the Tobacco in Prisons study
Semple S, Dobson R, Sweeting H, Brown A & Hunt K (2020) The impact of implementation of a national smoke-free prisons policy on indoor air quality: results from the Tobacco in Prisons study. Tobacco Control, 29 (2), pp. 234-236.
Passive exposure of non-smokers to E-Cigarette aerosols: Sensory irritation, timing and association with volatile organic compounds
Tzortzi A, Teloniatis S, Matiampa G, Bakelas G, Tzavara C, Vyzikidou VK, Vardavas C, Behrakis P, Fernandez E, Semple S, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2020) Passive exposure of non-smokers to E-Cigarette aerosols: Sensory irritation, timing and association with volatile organic compounds. Environmental Research, 182, Art. No.: 108963.
Tackling second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and aerosols of electronic cigarettes: the TackSHS project protocol
Fernández E, López MJ, Gallus S, Semple S, Clancy L, Behrakis P, Ruprecht A, Gorini G, López-Nicolás Á, Radu-Loghin C, Soriano JB, Castellano Y, Fu M, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2020) Tackling second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and aerosols of electronic cigarettes: the TackSHS project protocol [Abordando la exposición a las emisiones del tabaco y de los cigarrillos electrónicos: protocolo del proyecto TackSHS]. Gaceta Sanitaria, 34 (1), pp. 77-82.
Home health and community care workers' occupational exposure to secondhand smoke: A rapid literature review
Angus K & Semple S (2019) Home health and community care workers' occupational exposure to secondhand smoke: A rapid literature review. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 21 (12), pp. 1673-1679.
Bridging barriers to advance multisector approaches to improve food security, nutrition and population health in Nepal: transdisciplinary perspectives
Gaihre S, Kyle J, Semple S, Smith J, Marais D, Subedi M & Morgan H (2019) Bridging barriers to advance multisector approaches to improve food security, nutrition and population health in Nepal: transdisciplinary perspectives. BMC Public Health, 19 (1), Art. No.: 961.
Burden of disease attributable to second-hand smoke exposure: A systematic review
Carreras G, Lugo A, Gallus S, Cortini B, Fernández E, López MJ, Soriano JB, Nicolás ÁL, Semple S, Gorini G, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2019) Burden of disease attributable to second-hand smoke exposure: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 129, Art. No.: 105833.
Development Of A Smoke-free Homes Intervention For Parents: An Intervention Mapping Approach
O'Donnell R, Dobson R, de Bruin M, Turner S, Booth L & Semple S (2019) Development Of A Smoke-free Homes Intervention For Parents: An Intervention Mapping Approach. Health Psychology Bulletin, 3 (1), pp. 67-86.
Fathers' Views and Experiences of Creating a Smoke-Free Home: A Scoping Review
O'Donnell R, Angus K, McCulloch P, Amos A, Greaves L & Semple S (2019) Fathers' Views and Experiences of Creating a Smoke-Free Home: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (24), Art. No.: 5164.
MultiTex RCT - a multifaceted intervention package for protection against cotton dust exposure among textile workers - a cluster randomized controlled trial in Pakistan: study protocol
Nafees AA, De Matteis S, Kadir MM, Burney P, Coggon D, Semple S & Cullinan P (2019) MultiTex RCT - a multifaceted intervention package for protection against cotton dust exposure among textile workers - a cluster randomized controlled trial in Pakistan: study protocol. Trials, 20, Art. No.: 722.
A review of the take-home exposure pathway of workplace hazards
Anua SM, Semple S, Shakri SFM, Safuan S, Mazlan N & Asri AAM (2019) A review of the take-home exposure pathway of workplace hazards. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine, 22 (3 and 4), pp. 13-19.
Conference Paper (published)
A novel air quality feedback intervention trial using mHealth techniques across four European countries: the TackSHS Project Measuring for Change Study
Fernandez E, Dobson R, O’Donnell R, Semple S, Fu M & Investigators TP (2019) A novel air quality feedback intervention trial using mHealth techniques across four European countries: the TackSHS Project Measuring for Change Study. In: 4th ENSP-SRP International Conference on Tobacco Control 2019 Abstract Book. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 5. 4th ENSP-SRP International Conference on Tobacco Control 2019, Bucharest, Romania, 27.03.2019-29.03.2019. Crete: European Publishing, p. 34.
Assessing progress in protecting non-smokers from secondhand smoke
Semple S, Mueller W, Leyland AH, Gray L & Cherrie JW (2019) Assessing progress in protecting non-smokers from secondhand smoke. Tobacco Control, 28 (6), pp. 692-695.
Conference Abstract
OP88 Evaluating the move to, and implementation in 2018 of, smoke-free prison policy in scotland: the tobacco in prisons study (TIPS)
Hunt K, Brown A, Semple S, Eadie D, Sweeting H, Demou E, Leyland A, Craig P, Dobson R & Bauld L (2019) OP88 Evaluating the move to, and implementation in 2018 of, smoke-free prison policy in scotland: the tobacco in prisons study (TIPS). Society for Social Medicine and Population Health and International Epidemiology Association European Congress Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, Hosted by the Society for Social Medicine & Population Health and International Epidemiology Association (IEA), School of Public Health, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 4–6 September 2019, University College Cork. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73 (Suppl 1), Art. No.: A44.
Predictors of opinions on prison smoking bans: analyses of survey data from Scottish staff and prisoners
Sweeting H, Semple S, Demou E, Brown A & Hunt K (2019) Predictors of opinions on prison smoking bans: analyses of survey data from Scottish staff and prisoners. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17 (June), Art. No.: 47.
Measuring for change: air quality feedback to reduce second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure in the home
O'Donnell R, Dobson R, Semple S & TackSHS PI (2019) Measuring for change: air quality feedback to reduce second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure in the home. 6th World Social Marketing Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 03.06.2019-06.06.2019.
Views of prison staff in Scotland on the potential benefits and risks of e-cigarettes in smoke-free prisons: a qualitative focus group study
Brown A, Sweeting H, Semple S, Bauld L, Demou E, Logan G & Hunt K (2019) Views of prison staff in Scotland on the potential benefits and risks of e-cigarettes in smoke-free prisons: a qualitative focus group study. BMJ Open, 9 (6), Art. No.: e027799.
Quantifying exposure to respiratory hazards in sub-Saharan Africa: planning your study
Okello G, Mortimer K, Lawin H & Semple S (2019) Quantifying exposure to respiratory hazards in sub-Saharan Africa: planning your study. African Journal of Respiratory Medicine, 14 (2), pp. 18-27.
Monitoring secondhand tobacco smoke remotely in real-time: A simple low-cost approach
Dobson R, Rosen L & Semple S (2019) Monitoring secondhand tobacco smoke remotely in real-time: A simple low-cost approach. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17 (March), Art. No.: 18.
Muslim Communities Learning about Second-hand Smoke in Bangladesh (MCLASS II): Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a community-based smoke-free homes intervention, with or without Indoor Air Quality feedback
Mdege N, Fairhurst C, Ferdous T, Hewitt C, Huque R, Jackson C, Kellar I, Parrott S, Semple S, Sheikh A, Swami S & Siddiqi K (2019) Muslim Communities Learning about Second-hand Smoke in Bangladesh (MCLASS II): Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a community-based smoke-free homes intervention, with or without Indoor Air Quality feedback. Trials, 20 (1), Art. No.: 11.
Using air-quality feedback to encourage disadvantaged parents to create a smoke-free home: Results from a randomised controlled trial
Semple S, Turner S, O'Donnell R, Adams L, Henderson T, Mitchell S, Lyttle S & Amos A (2018) Using air-quality feedback to encourage disadvantaged parents to create a smoke-free home: Results from a randomised controlled trial. Environment International, 120, pp. 104-110.
"How do you know those particles are from cigarettes?": An algorithm to help differentiate second-hand tobacco smoke from background sources of household fine particulate matter
Dobson R & Semple S (2018) "How do you know those particles are from cigarettes?": An algorithm to help differentiate second-hand tobacco smoke from background sources of household fine particulate matter. Environmental Research, 166, pp. 344-347.
Women and girls in resource poor countries experience much greater exposure to household air pollutants than men: Results from Uganda and Ethiopia
Okello G, Devereux G & Semple S (2018) Women and girls in resource poor countries experience much greater exposure to household air pollutants than men: Results from Uganda and Ethiopia. Environment International, 119, pp. 429-437.
Impact of partial fuel switch on household air pollutants in sub-Sahara Africa
Tumwesige V, Okello G, Semple S & Smith J (2017) Impact of partial fuel switch on household air pollutants in sub-Sahara Africa. Environmental Pollution, 231, pp. 1021-1029.
Vulnerable children, stigmatised smokers: The social construction of target audiences in media debates on policies regulating smoking in vehicles
Bain J, Weishaar H, Semple S, Duffy S & Hilton S (2017) Vulnerable children, stigmatised smokers: The social construction of target audiences in media debates on policies regulating smoking in vehicles. Health, 21 (6), pp. 633-649.
Characterising the exposure of prison staff to second-hand tobacco smoke
Semple S, Sweeting H, Demou E, Logan G, O'Donnell RC & Hunt K (2017) Characterising the exposure of prison staff to second-hand tobacco smoke. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 61 (7), pp. 809-821.
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce household air pollution and/or improve health in homes using solid fuel in low-and-middle income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Quansah R, Semple S, Ochieng CA, Juvekar S, Armah FA, Luginah I, Luginah I & Emina J (2017) Effectiveness of interventions to reduce household air pollution and/or improve health in homes using solid fuel in low-and-middle income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environment International, 103, pp. 73-90.
Using air quality monitoring to reduce second-hand smoke exposure in homes: the AFRESH feasibility study
Dobson R, O'Donnell R, de Bruin M, Turner S & Semple S (2017) Using air quality monitoring to reduce second-hand smoke exposure in homes: the AFRESH feasibility study. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, 3, Art. No.: 117.
Type and extent of trans-disciplinary co-operation to improve food security, health and household environment in low and middle income countries: Systematic review
Gaihre S, Kyle J, Semple S, Smith J, Subedi M & Marais D (2016) Type and extent of trans-disciplinary co-operation to improve food security, health and household environment in low and middle income countries: Systematic review. BMC Public Health, 16 (1), Art. No.: 1093.
An interview study of pregnant women who were provided with indoor air quality measurements of second hand smoke to help them quit smoking
Morgan H, Treasure E, Tabib M, Johnston M, Dunkley C, Ritchie D, Semple S & Turner S (2016) An interview study of pregnant women who were provided with indoor air quality measurements of second hand smoke to help them quit smoking. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16 (1), Art. No.: 305.;
Occupational exposure to asthmagens and adult onset wheeze and lung function in people who did not have childhood wheeze: A 50-year cohort study
Tagiyeva N, Teo E, Fielding S, Devereux G, Semple S & Douglas G (2016) Occupational exposure to asthmagens and adult onset wheeze and lung function in people who did not have childhood wheeze: A 50-year cohort study. Environment International, 94, pp. 60-68.
Low-cost air quality monitoring methods to assess compliance with smoke-free regulations: A multi-center study in six lowand middle-income countries
Jackson-Morris A, Bleymann K, Lyall E, Aslam F, Bam TS, Chowdhury I, Daouda EA, Espinosa M, Romo J, Singh RJ & Semple S (2016) Low-cost air quality monitoring methods to assess compliance with smoke-free regulations: A multi-center study in six lowand middle-income countries. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 18 (5), pp. 1258-1264.
Primary paediatric bronchial airway epithelial cell in vitro responses to environmental exposures
McInnes N, Davidson M, Scaife A, Miller D, Spiteri D, Engelhardt T, Semple S, Devereux G & Turner S (2016) Primary paediatric bronchial airway epithelial cell in vitro responses to environmental exposures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (4), Art. No.: 359.