Dr Kirsten Blakey

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Philosophy Stirling

Dr Kirsten Blakey

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About me

About me

Between 2021 and 2024 I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy and Psychology working on a UKRI funded interdisciplinary project called 'Agency, Rationality and Epistemic Defeat'. This project - in collaboration with the Messerli Research Institute in Vienna - is exploring the origins of human rational thought by comparing how human infants, dogs, and pigs form and revise beliefs, specifically whether these non-linguistic populations have capacities for reflective belief revision.

I received my PhD in Developmental Psychology and MSc in Child Development from the University of Stirling and a BSc in Applied Psychology from Heriot-Watt University.

My PhD was supervised by Professor Christine Caldwell and focused on development of socio-cognitive mechanisms proposed to underlie distinctively human cumulative culture.


My research interests include social learning, cognitive development, cumulative cultural evolution, comparative cognition, and prosocial behaviour.

Outputs (8)




I have previously contributed to teaching on Psychology undergraduate modules in Developmental Psychology and Animal Behaviour and postgraduate modules in Psychological Research Methods.

I also supervised research projects and undergraduate and postgraduate research placements.

I was awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2023.