Bradwell T & Benn D (2025) Repeated surging and rapid retreat of a tidewater glacier in Scotland (Younger Dryas / Greenland Stadial 1). Journal of Quaternary Science.
Senior Lecturer
Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
I am an interdisciplinary geoscientist specialising in Quaternary geology and geomorphology. My research expertise lies in reconstructing landscape and environmental change, onshore and offshore, using geomorphological, geophysical and Quaternary dating methods. I use a range of analytical tools and techniques to understand, quantify and predict rates of ice-sheet and sea-level change. I collaborate widely with international researchers including numerical modellers, geochronologists, oceanographers, social scientists and equipment developers.
Brief Biography
Clough Memorial Award - Edinburgh Geological Society
Lewis Penny Medal - Quaternary Research Association
Advisor of Studies & Programme Director
BSc Environmental Geography
Committee Member
BES Learning & Teaching
Divisional Coordinator
Publicity & Open Days (undergraduate)
HEIs in Scotland - Heads of Geography
Royal Scottish Geographical Society
Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee
Honorary Research Fellow
British Geological Survey
Scottish Blue Carbon Forum
(Marine Scotland / Scottish Government)
4SWIND (Research Council of Norway)
University of Bergen
International partner
Britice-Chrono (NERC / UKRI)
Co-I & Transect leader
Earth Science Specialist
European Geoparks Network Coordination Committee (NW Scottish Highlands)
Associate Editor
Geografiska Annaler: Series A (Physical Geography)
Associate Editor
Scottish Geographical Journal
Committee Member
Royal Scottish Geographical Society
Medals and Awards Committee
Fellow or Member
Royal Geographical Society;
Royal Scottish Geographical Society;
British Society for Geomorphology;
Quaternary Research Association;
Scottish Association for Geosciences, Environment & Society;
Marine Alliance for Science & Technology for Scotland
I am a geoscientist studying global change. My research focuses on some of the most pressing questions facing science and society today. I seek to understand rates of ice-sheet and sea-level change, past and present, and determine the long-term stability of ice sheets and ice shelves. My research over the last two decades has helped to enhance our understanding of the evolution and demise of former ice masses, and improve model predictions of ice-sheet and sea-level change.
My current / ongoing research includes:
Reconstructing the glaciation and sea-level history of Scotland and the surrounding continental shelf
Measuring and understanding modern rates of glacier change in Iceland
Non-destructive analysis and characterisation of Quaternary sediments
Refining geochronological (surface-exposure dating) techniques
Understanding seabed substrate and loading history to advance offshore wind-turbine siting and carbon sequestration science
Expanding the evidence base for rapid sea-level change
Mapping seabed disturbance in Marine Protected Areas
CURRENT PhD STUDENTS (all as primary supervisor):
Ania Kurop - Rapid deglaciation and sea-level change on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. (Funded by NERC-IAPETUS2)
Jodie Geldard - Surge Forth: Understanding glacier dynamics where the Highlands meet the Lowlands. (Funded by NERC-IAPETUS2)
Neil McDonald – Getting to the bottom of ice shelves: High-resolution multi-proxy analysis of glaciomarine sediments preserved in The Minch, NW Scotland. (Funded by NERC-IAPETUS2)
Allan Audsley – Scotland’s Pockmarks: Understanding the link between gas-escape features and buried carbon in fjordic systems (with John Howe, SAMS/UHI & John Baxter, SNH) [2018-2022].
Helena Stewart – Peat’s secret archive: North Atlantic storm frequency and volcanic eruption history over the last 10,000 years (with Bob McCulloch, Stirling & Jo Bullard, Loughborough) [2012-2016].
Henry Patton – Modelling the dynamic (in)stability of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (co-supervised with Alun Hubbard, Aberystwyth & Nick Golledge) [2009-2012].
Kate McIntyre – Offshore records of ice extent and deglaciation, Loch Linnhe, western Scotland (co-supervised with John Howe, SAMS/UHI) [2008-2012].
Hannah Mathers – Constraining ice-sheet thickness and ice-stream collapse in NW Scotland using cosmogenic-isotope analysis (co-supervised with Derek Fabel, Glasgow) [2006-2014].
Sven Lukas – Younger Dryas moraines in the NW Highlands of Scotland: genesis, significance and potential modern analogues (co-supervised with Doug Benn, St Andrews) [2002-2005].
NSF-GEO-NERC: How important are sea-level feedbacks in stabilizing marine-based ice streams?
PI: Dr Tom Bradwell
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council
Does lichenometry really work? Evaluating growth-rate variability in yellow-green Rhizocarpon lichens
PI: Dr Tom Bradwell
Funded by: Royal Geographical Society
PI: Dr Tom Bradwell
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council
Bradwell T & Benn D (2025) Repeated surging and rapid retreat of a tidewater glacier in Scotland (Younger Dryas / Greenland Stadial 1). Journal of Quaternary Science.
Megaflutes in the Menteith Hills, Central Scotland
Geldard J, Bradwell T & Benn D (2024) Megaflutes in the Menteith Hills, Central Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal.
Bradwell T & Stoker M (2023) Scottish Landform Example: subaqueous moraines around the Summer Isles and in the approaches to Loch Broom (Wester Ross Marine Protected Area). Scottish Geographical Journal, 139 (1-2), pp. 20-36.
Increased North Atlantic dust deposition linked to Holocene Icelandic glacier fluctuations
Stewart H, Bradwell T, Bullard J, McCulloch RD & Millar I (2022) Increased North Atlantic dust deposition linked to Holocene Icelandic glacier fluctuations. Holocene.
Clark CD, Ely JC, Hindmarsh RCA, Bradley S, Ignéczi A, Fabel D, Ó Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Scourse J, Benetti S, Bradwell T, Evans DJA, Roberts DH, Burke M & Callard SL (2022) Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction. Boreas, 51 (4), pp. 699-758.
Automated characterisation of glaciomarine sediments using X-ray computed laminography
McDonald N, Bradwell T, Callard SL, Toney JL, Shreeve B & Shreeve J (2022) Automated characterisation of glaciomarine sediments using X-ray computed laminography. Quaternary Science Advances, 5, Art. No.: 100046.
Book Chapter
Geomorphology of the Offshore Continental Shelf
Stewart H, Bradwell T, Carter G, Dove D & Gafeira J (2021) Geomorphology of the Offshore Continental Shelf. In: Ballantyne CK & Gordon JE (eds.) Landscapes and Landforms of Scotland. World Geomorphological Landscapes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 117-134.
Book Chapter
The Far Northwest: Sutherland, Assynt and Coigach
Bradwell T & Ballantyne C (2021) The Far Northwest: Sutherland, Assynt and Coigach. In: Ballantyne C & Gordon J (eds.) Landscapes and Landforms of Scotland. 1 ed. World Geomorphological Landscaper. Cham, Zug, CH: Springer Nature, pp. 233-250.
Book Chapter
Ballantyne CK & Bradwell T (2021) Wester Ross. In: Ballantyne C & Gordon J (eds.) World Geomorphological Landscapes. Cham, Zug, CH: Springer International Publishing, pp. 251-269.
Pattern, style and timing of British-Irish Ice Sheet retreat: Shetland and northern North Sea sector
Bradwell T, Small D, Fabel D, Clark CD, Chiverrell RC, Saher MH, Dove D, Callard SL, Burke MJ, Moreton SG, Medialdea A, Bateman MD, Roberts DH, Golledge NR & Finlayson A (2021) Pattern, style and timing of British-Irish Ice Sheet retreat: Shetland and northern North Sea sector. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36 (5), pp. 681-722.
Audsley A, Bradwell T, Howe J & Baxter J (2021) Spatial Relationships between Pockmarks and Sub-Seabed Gas in Fjordic Settings: Evidence from Loch Linnhe, West Scotland. Geosciences, 11 (7), Art. No.: 283.
Bradwell T, Fabel D, Clark CD, Chiverrell RC, Small D, Smedley RK, Saher MH, Moreton SJ, Dove D, Callard SL, Duller GAT, Medialdea A, Bateman MD, Burke MJ & McDonald N (2021) Pattern, style and timing of British-Irish Ice Sheet advance and retreat over the last 45 000 years: evidence from NW Scotland and the adjacent continental shelf. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36 (5), pp. 871-933.
Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation
Evans DJA, Roberts DH, Bateman MD, Clark CD, Medialdea A, Callard L, Grimoldi E, Chiverrell RC, Ely J, Dove D, Ó Cofaigh C, Saher M, Bradwell T, Moreton SG, Fabel D & Bradley SL (2021) Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36 (5), pp. 723-751.
Hardness and Yield Strength of CO2 Ice Under Martian Temperature Conditions
Kaufmann E, Attree N, Bradwell T & Hagermann A (2020) Hardness and Yield Strength of CO2 Ice Under Martian Temperature Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125 (3), Art. No.: e2019JE006217.
Distribution and classification of pockmarks on the seabed around western Scotland
Audsley A, Bradwell T, Howe JA & Baxter JM (2019) Distribution and classification of pockmarks on the seabed around western Scotland. Journal of Maps, 15 (2), pp. 807-817.
The mixed-bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea
Roberts DH, Grimoldi E, Callard L, Evans DJA, Clark CD, Stewart HA, Dove D, Saher M, Ó Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Bateman MD, Moreton SG, Bradwell T, Fabel D & Medialdea A (2019) The mixed-bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (6), pp. 1233-1258.
Ice-stream demise dynamically conditioned by trough shape and bed strength
Bradwell T, Small D, Fabel D, Smedley RK, Clark CD, Saher MH, Callard SL, Chiverrell RC, Dove D, Moreton SG, Roberts DH, Duller GAT & Ó Cofaigh C (2019) Ice-stream demise dynamically conditioned by trough shape and bed strength. Science Advances, 5 (4), Art. No.: eaau1380.
Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland
Gandy N, Gregoire LJ, Ely JC, Clark CD, Hodgson DM, Lee V, Bradwell T & Ivanovic RF (2018) Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland. Cryosphere, 12 (11), pp. 3635-3651.
Roberts DH, Evans DJA, Callard SL, Clark CD, Bateman MD, Medialdea A, Dove D, Cotterill CJ, Saher M, Ó'Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Moreton SG, Fabel D & Bradwell T (2018) Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank. Quaternary Science Reviews, 198, pp. 181-207.
Clark CD, Ely JC, Greenwood SL, Hughes ALC, Meehan R, Barr ID, Bateman MD, Bradwell T, Doole J, Evans DJA, Monteys X, Pellicer XM & Sheehy M (2018) BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas, 47 (1), pp. 11-e8.
Everest JD, Bradwell T, Jones L & Hughes L (2017) The geomorphology of Svínafellsjökull and Virkisjökull-Falljökull glacier forelands, southeast Iceland. Journal of Maps, 13 (2), pp. 936-945.
Stewart H, Bradwell T, Bullard J, Davies S, Golledge N & McCulloch R (2017) 8000 years of North Atlantic storminess reconstructed from a Scottish peat record: implications for Holocene atmospheric circulation patterns in Western Europe. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (8), pp. 1075-1084.
Krabbendam M, Bradwell T, Everest JD & Eyles N (2017) Joint-bounded crescentic scars formed by subglacial clast-bed contact forces: Implications for bedrock failure beneath glaciers. Geomorphology, 290, pp. 114-127.
The configuration, sensitivity and rapid retreat of the Late Weichselian Icelandic ice sheet
Patton H, Hubbard A, Bradwell T & Schomacker A (2017) The configuration, sensitivity and rapid retreat of the Late Weichselian Icelandic ice sheet. Earth-Science Reviews, 166, pp. 223-245.
Book Chapter
Bradwell T & Stoker M (2016) Glacial sediment and landform record offshore NW Scotland: A fjord-shelf-slope transect through a Late Quaternary mid-latitude ice-stream system. In: Dowdeswell J, Canals M, Jakobsson M, Todd B, Dowdeswell E & Hogan K (eds.) Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient. Geological Society Memoir, 46. London: Geological Society of London, pp. 421-428.;
Book Chapter
Recessional moraines in nearshore waters, northern Scotland
Bradwell T & Stoker M (2016) Recessional moraines in nearshore waters, northern Scotland. In: Dowdeswell J, Canals M, Jakobsson M, Todd B, Dowdeswell E & Hogan K (eds.) Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient. Geological Society Memoir, 46. London: Geological Society of London, pp. 63-64.;
Book Chapter
Deglacial landform assemblage records fast ice-flow and retreat, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
Dove D, Finlayson A, Bradwell T, Howe JA & Arosio R (2016) Deglacial landform assemblage records fast ice-flow and retreat, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. In: Dowdeswell J, Canals M, Jakobsson M, Todd B, Dowdeswell E & Hogan K (eds.) Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient. Geological Society Memoir, 46. London: Geological Society of London, pp. 135-138.;
High-latitude dust in the Earth system
Bullard J, Baddock M, Bradwell T, Crusius J, Darlington E, Gaiero D, Gasso S, Gisladottir G, Hodgkins R, McCulloch R, McKenna-Neuman C, Mockford T, Stewart H & Thorsteinsson T (2016) High-latitude dust in the Earth system. Review of Geophysics, 54 (2), pp. 447-485.
Streamlined hard beds formed by palaeo-ice streams: A review
Krabbendam M, Eyles N, Putkinen N, Bradwell T & Arbelaez-Moreno L (2016) Streamlined hard beds formed by palaeo-ice streams: A review. Sedimentary Geology, 338, pp. 24-50.
Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives
Dusterhus A, Rovere A, Carlson A, Horton B, Klemann V, Tarasov L, Barlow N, Bradwell T, Clark J, Dutton A, Gehrels WR, Hibbert FD, Hijma MP, Khan N & Kopp RE (2016) Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives. Climate of the Past, 12 (4), pp. 911-921.
Asymmetric ice-sheet retreat pattern around Northern Scotland revealed by marine geophysical surveys
Bradwell T & Stoker M (2015) Asymmetric ice-sheet retreat pattern around Northern Scotland revealed by marine geophysical surveys. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 105 (4), pp. 297-322.
Submarine glacial landforms record Late Pleistocene ice-sheet dynamics, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
Dove D, Arosio R, Finlayson A, Bradwell T & Howe JA (2015) Submarine glacial landforms record Late Pleistocene ice-sheet dynamics, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 123, pp. 76-90.
Howe JA, Anderton R, Arosio R, Dove D, Bradwell T, Crump P, Cooper R & Cucuccio A (2015) The seabed geomorphology and geological structure of the Firth of Lorn, western Scotland, UK, as revealed by multibeam echo-sounder survey. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 105 (04), pp. 273-284.
Armstrong RA & Bradwell T (2015) 'Growth rings' in crustose lichens: Comparison with directly measured growth rates and implications for lichenometry. Quaternary Geochronology, 28, pp. 88-95.;
Submarine sediment and landform record of a palaeo-ice stream within the British-Irish ice sheet
Bradwell T & Stoker M (2015) Submarine sediment and landform record of a palaeo-ice stream within the British-Irish ice sheet. Boreas, 44 (2), pp. 255-276.;
Glacial geomorphology of the Tweedsmuir Hills, Central Southern Uplands, Scotland
Pearce D, Rea BR, Bradwell T & McDougall D (2014) Glacial geomorphology of the Tweedsmuir Hills, Central Southern Uplands, Scotland. Journal of Maps, 10 (3), pp. 457-465.
Phillips E, Finlayson A, Bradwell T, Everest JD & Jones L (2014) Structural evolution triggers a dynamic reduction in active glacier length during rapid retreat: Evidence from Falljökull, SE iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (10), pp. 2194-2208.
Quaternary evolution of glaciated gneiss terrains: Pre-glacial weathering vs. glacial erosion
Krabbendam M & Bradwell T (2014) Quaternary evolution of glaciated gneiss terrains: Pre-glacial weathering vs. glacial erosion. Quaternary Science Reviews, 95, pp. 20-42.;
Miller H, Cotterill CJ & Bradwell T (2014) Glacial and paraglacial history of the Troutbeck Valley, Cumbria, UK: Integrating airborne LiDAR, multibeam bathymetry, and geological field mapping. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (1), pp. 31-40.
Finlayson A, Fabel D, Bradwell T & Sugden DE (2014) Growth and decay of a marine terminating sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet: A geomorphological reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews, 83, pp. 28-45.;
Bradwell T (2013) Identifying palaeo-ice-stream tributaries on hard beds: Mapping glacial bedforms and erosion zones in NW Scotland. Geomorphology, 201, pp. 397-414.
Recent, very rapid retreat of a temperate glacier in SE Iceland
Bradwell T, Sigurdsson O & Everest JD (2013) Recent, very rapid retreat of a temperate glacier in SE Iceland. Boreas, 42 (4), pp. 959-973.
The last Welsh Ice Cap: Part 1 - Modelling its evolution, sensitivity and associated climate
Patton H, Hubbard A, Glasser NF, Bradwell T & Golledge N (2013) The last Welsh Ice Cap: Part 1 - Modelling its evolution, sensitivity and associated climate. Boreas, 42 (3), pp. 471-490.
The last Welsh Ice Cap: Part 2 - Dynamics of a topographically controlled icecap
Patton H, Hubbard A, Glasser NF, Bradwell T & Golledge N (2013) The last Welsh Ice Cap: Part 2 - Dynamics of a topographically controlled icecap. Boreas, 42 (3), pp. 491-510.
Antarctic earth sciences: Preface
Siegert M & Bradwell T (2013) Antarctic earth sciences: Preface. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 104 (1), p. 1.
New age constraints for the maximum extent of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (NW sector)
Everest JD, Bradwell T, Stoker M & Dewey S (2013) New age constraints for the maximum extent of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (NW sector). Journal of Quaternary Science, 28 (1), pp. 2-7.
Howe JA, Dove D, Bradwell T & Gafeira J (2012) Corrigendum to "Submarine geomorphology and glacial history of the Sea of the Hebrides, UK"[Mar. Geol, 351-318(2012) 64-76]. Commentary on: John A. Howe, Dayton Dove, Tom Bradwell, Joana Gafeira, Submarine geomorphology and glacial history of the Sea of the Hebrides, UK, Marine Geology, Volumes 315–318, 15 June 2012, Pages 64-76. Marine Geology, 329-331, pp. 126-127.
Submarine geomorphology and glacial history of the Sea of the Hebrides, UK
Howe JA, Dove D, Bradwell T & Gafeira J (2012) Submarine geomorphology and glacial history of the Sea of the Hebrides, UK. Marine Geology, 315-318, pp. 64-76.
Book Chapter
The pleistocene glaciations of the North Sea basin
Graham AGC, Stoker M, Lonergan L, Bradwell T & Stewart MA (2011) The pleistocene glaciations of the North Sea basin. In: Ehlers J, Gibbard P & Hughes P (eds.) Quaternary glaciations - extent and chronology: a closer look. Developments in Quaternary Science, 15. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 261-278.;
Lateglacial ice extent and deglaciation of Loch Hourn, western Scotland
McIntyre K, Howe JA & Bradwell T (2011) Lateglacial ice extent and deglaciation of Loch Hourn, western Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 47 (2), pp. 169-178.
Krabbendam M & Bradwell T (2011) Lateral plucking as a mechanism for elongate erosional glacial bedforms: Explaining megagrooves in Britain and Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36 (10), pp. 1335-1349.
Evolution of a Lateglacial mountain icecap in northern Scotland
Finlayson A, Golledge N, Bradwell T & Fabel D (2011) Evolution of a Lateglacial mountain icecap in northern Scotland. Boreas, 40 (3), pp. 536-554.
Growth of foliose lichens: A review
Armstrong RA & Bradwell T (2011) Growth of foliose lichens: A review. Symbiosis, 53 (1), pp. 1-16.
Paraglacial slope instability in Scottish fjords: Examples from Little Loch Broom, NW Scotland
Stoker M, Wilson CR, Howe JA, Bradwell T & Long D (2010) Paraglacial slope instability in Scottish fjords: Examples from Little Loch Broom, NW Scotland. Geological Society Special Publications, 344, pp. 225-242.
REPLY: A response to Bradwell's commentary on recent statistical studies in lichenometry
Bradwell T (2010) REPLY: A response to Bradwell's commentary on recent statistical studies in lichenometry. Commentary on: Jomelli, V., Naveau, P., Cooley, D., Grancher, D., Brunstein, D., and Rabatel, A., 2010: A response to Bradwell’s commentary on recent statistical studies in lichenometry. Geogr. Ann. 92A (4): 485–487. Bradwell, T., 2009: Lichenometric dating: a commentary, in the light of some recent statistical studies. Geografiska Annaler, 91A: 61–69.. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (4), pp. 488-488.
Influence of seasonality on glacier mass balance, and implications for palaeoclimate reconstructions
Golledge N, Hubbard A & Bradwell T (2010) Influence of seasonality on glacier mass balance, and implications for palaeoclimate reconstructions. Climate Dynamics, 35 (5), pp. 757-770.
Lukas S & Bradwell T (2010) Reconstruction of a lateglacial (Younger Dryas) mountain ice field in Sutherland, northwestern Scotland, and its palaeoclimatic implications. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25 (4), pp. 567-580.
Bradwell T (2010) Studies on the growth of Rhizocarpon geographicum in NW Scotland, and some implications for lichenometry. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (1), pp. 41-52.
The use of lichen growth rings in lichenometry: Some preliminary findings
Armstrong RA & Bradwell T (2010) The use of lichen growth rings in lichenometry: Some preliminary findings. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (1), pp. 141-147.
Use of bomb-14C to investigate the growth and carbon turnover rates of a crustose lichen
Garnett MH & Bradwell T (2010) Use of bomb-14C to investigate the growth and carbon turnover rates of a crustose lichen. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (1), pp. 53-63.
Lichenometric studies on moraines in the Polar Urals
Solomina O, Ivanov M & Bradwell T (2010) Lichenometric studies on moraines in the Polar Urals. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (1), pp. 81-99.
Golledge N, Everest JD, Bradwell T & Johnson JS (2010) Lichenometry on Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula: Size-frequency studies, growth rates and snowpatches. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (1), pp. 111-124.
Growth of crustose lichens: A review
Armstrong RA & Bradwell T (2010) Growth of crustose lichens: A review. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (1), pp. 3-17.
Lateglacial ice-cap dynamics in NW Scotland: evidence from the fjords of the Summer Isles region
Stoker M, Bradwell T, Howe JA, Wilkinson IP & McIntyre K (2009) Lateglacial ice-cap dynamics in NW Scotland: evidence from the fjords of the Summer Isles region. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (27-28), pp. 3161-3184.
Neotectonic deformation in a scottish fjord, Loch Broom, NW Scotland
Stoker M & Bradwell T (2009) Neotectonic deformation in a scottish fjord, Loch Broom, NW Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 45 (2), pp. 107-116.
Goodenough KM, Krabbendam M, Bradwell T, Finlayson A & Leslie AG (2009) Digital surface models and the landscape: Interaction between bedrock and glacial geology in the Ullapool area. Scottish Journal of Geology, 45 (2), pp. 99-105.
Lichenometric dating: A commentary, in the light of some recent statistical studies
Bradwell T (2009) Lichenometric dating: A commentary, in the light of some recent statistical studies. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 91 (2), pp. 61-69.
Hubbard A, Bradwell T, Golledge N, Hall A, Patton H, Sugden DE, Cooper R & Stoker M (2009) Dynamic cycles, ice streams and their impact on the extent, chronology and deglaciation of the British-Irish ice sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (7-8), pp. 758-776.
Finlayson A & Bradwell T (2008) Morphological characteristics, formation and glaciological significance of Rogen moraine in northern Scotland. Geomorphology, 101 (4), pp. 607-617.
Ice caps existed throughout the Lateglacial Interstadial in northern Scotland
Bradwell T, Fabel D, Stoker M, Mathers HE, McHargue L & Howe JA (2008) Ice caps existed throughout the Lateglacial Interstadial in northern Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23 (5), pp. 401-407.
The northern sector of the last British Ice Sheet: Maximum extent and demise
Bradwell T, Stoker M, Golledge N, Wilson CK, Merritt JW, Long D, Everest JD, Hestvik OB, Stevenson AG, Hubbard A, Finlayson A & Mathers HE (2008) The northern sector of the last British Ice Sheet: Maximum extent and demise. Earth-Science Reviews, 88 (3-4), pp. 207-226.
Megagrooves and streamlined bedrock in NW Scotland: The role of ice streams in landscape evolution
Bradwell T, Stoker M & Krabbendam M (2008) Megagrooves and streamlined bedrock in NW Scotland: The role of ice streams in landscape evolution. Geomorphology, 97 (1-2), pp. 135-156.
I am Programme Director and Advisor of Studies for the BSc Environmental Geography degree.
I teach across all four years at undergraduate level, and at postgraduate level:
ENVU2LV (Landscape Evolution) - teacher
GEOU9GL (Glaciers & Landscape) - module coordinator & teacher
GEOU9IC (Scotland Field course) - module coordinator & teacher
GEOU1GE (Building Planet Earth) - teacher
SCIU3FS (Field Skills for Sustainable Solutions) - teacher
GEOU9PR (Honours Research Dissertation) - supervisor
ENMPG18 (MSc Research Dissertation) - supervisor
I also currently supervise Postgraduate Research Students at PhD level.