Dr Tom Bradwell

Senior Lecturer

Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Tom Bradwell

About me

I am an interdisciplinary geoscientist specialising in Quaternary geology and geomorphology. My research expertise lies in reconstructing landscape and environmental change, onshore and offshore, using geomorphological, geophysical and Quaternary dating methods. I use a range of analytical tools and techniques to understand, quantify and predict rates of ice-sheet and sea-level change. I collaborate widely with international researchers including numerical modellers, geochronologists, oceanographers, social scientists and equipment developers.

Brief Biography

  • since 2023: Senior Lecturer (University of Stirling)
  • 2015-2022: Lecturer in Physical Geography (University of Stirling)
  • 2006-2015: Senior Scientist & Team Leader, British Geological Survey / Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Edinburgh
  • 2001-2006: Quaternary Geologist, British Geological Survey / Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Edinburgh
  • 2001: PDRA, University of Sheffield, BRITICE project
  • 1997-2001: PhD, University of Edinburgh, Geography (School of Natural Sciences)
  • 1994-1997: BSc (Hons., First Class), University of Liverpool, Earth Sciences


Clough Memorial Award - Edinburgh Geological Society

Lewis Penny Medal - Quaternary Research Association

Divisional / Faculty Contribution

Advisor of Studies & Programme Director
BSc Environmental Geography

Committee Member
BES Learning & Teaching

Divisional Coordinator
Publicity & Open Days (undergraduate)

HEIs in Scotland - Heads of Geography
Royal Scottish Geographical Society
Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee

Other Academic Activities

Honorary Research Fellow
British Geological Survey

Scottish Blue Carbon Forum (Marine Scotland / Scottish Government)

Other Project

4SWIND (Research Council of Norway)
University of Bergen
International partner

Britice-Chrono (NERC / UKRI)
Co-I & Transect leader

Professional Career

Earth Science Specialist

European Geoparks Network Coordination Committee (NW Scottish Highlands)

Associate Editor
Geografiska Annaler: Series A (Physical Geography)

Associate Editor
Scottish Geographical Journal

Committee Member
Royal Scottish Geographical Society
Medals and Awards Committee

Fellow or Member
Royal Geographical Society; Royal Scottish Geographical Society; British Society for Geomorphology; Quaternary Research Association; Scottish Association for Geosciences, Environment & Society; Marine Alliance for Science & Technology for Scotland

Research programmes

Research centres/groups

Research themes